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Celestine Prophecy

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Has anyone else read this book? Its a 1993 novel by James Redfield that discusses various psychological and spiritual ideas which are

rooted in many ancient Eastern Traditions and New Age spirituality. It's about the times to come and the evolutionary process of homo-sapiens.

This book has interesting ideas that seem to have had an effect on my daily life.

Has anyone else who has read this book noticed the strange "coincidences" and the way they synchronize with the way you live?

If you haven't read this book, you need to! I've heard of parents raising their kids on these ideas.

Check this out too, it's something different but has the same principles: Munay-ki and "Homo-Luminous"
Yeah man,
Iv read it. In fact I would go as far to say that it was this book that started me on the proverbial spiritual path.
The ideas in the book book struck a chord with me and it kinda just snowballed from then on.
haven't read the book, but i saw the film, and i enjoyed it very much.
friends who read the book, say it is better than the film.
biopsylo said:
friends who read the book, say it is better than the film.

Yeah for sure! The book helps you understand more because it goes into fine details about the 9 insights.
soulman said:
Yeah man,
Iv read it. In fact I would go as far to say that it was this book that started me on the proverbial spiritual path.
The ideas in the book book struck a chord with me and it kinda just snowballed from then on.

Same here, well this book and Spice together have been bringing me down this path of enlightenment. I never would've even considered myself a spiritual person until about 2 1/2 years ago when these wonderful things came into my life.(hmmm...coincidence?) Now I'm the most spiritual person out of all of my groups of friends.
Yea, i also red the book, Celestine Prophecy and Tenth Insight, i have a few workbooks from James Redfield too, but i haven't read them properly yet, i think i have them for 3 years now, but i enjoyed the books a lot.

I also saw the movie, but i can't say i liked it, when you read you create the story in your mind and it's never the same when you see those self created images in a movie, but this one was a really bad adaptaion imo, they left a lot from the original story out of it, i guess it was made for kids.
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