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Ceramic Donut Vaporizer (G Pen, Kiln, Cerum, etc) perfect for DMT?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star

I am about to have my first DMT experience and I want to be well prepared. :)
I have spent a lot of time looking for the best and easiest experience. For me, this means everything should be as easy as possible. A pen vape/vaporizer would be ideal.
"Normal" vaporizer pens will not work (at least not without copper meshes, but even then it is quite messy when the DMT liquifies) so I looked into wax pens like the Grenco G Pen, Atmos Kiln, Yocan Cerum, ...

This looks absolutely ideal. The ceramic trey/donut is heated and even if the DMT liquifies it will remain in the trey/donut. However I never see this recommended anywhere on the DMT-Nexus and even if I google there aren't really that many people that have actually tried it and can give actual information on how well it worked.

So my questions are:

1. Has anybody tried this yet and if so how well did it work?
2. Can you just sprinkle xtals into the trey/donut (on the heating element) and just heat it up?

Please let us try and keep this thread clean. Let's only focus on people sharing their experiences and questions that are directly related to using ceramic donut vaporizers with DMT.

And yes I know the GVG and "the machine" are totally awesome, but I would still prefer a vape pen. 😁

Thanks to everyone in advance!
I, too, am going to partake soon and would love to know what best vaporizers to use would be. I know most people will suggest the machine or a vapor genie. I do have the coil vapor genie and I'll likely try that out first.

However, I'd love to be able to use an electronic vaporizer as I I currently have several. The only vape pens I have that are worth a damn are the atmos, dr. dabber ghost, and the omicron v7, which I have a ceramic donut with that I'd like to see if I can use.

Out of all of them, only the omicron has temp settings...however the dabber ghost claims it vaporizes at a lower temperature than most pens.

The temp settings don't actually have the actual temperature, just voltages, for the omicron, but I think the lowest temp could possibly work.

Any and all info for a noob about this would be awesome.
I have a question for experienced ceramic donut users. Is the ceramic element actually leakproof? As far as I understood the entire ceramic element is heated up and the oil/wax/dmt is then evaporated.
So when the xtals liquify the dmt remains in the ceramic cylinder?
While this would be ideal, I cannot imagine that this is how it works, because what about the airflow then?

Maybe someone can shed some light on this.

I can only share my experience with the flowermate, but this isn't a donut one. But with its wax capsule vaping DMT is no problem.

But my problem with it is, that to get enough you have to do 2 tokes. But I personally then cannot take a 2nd one. But other people, which can take a 2nd one probably would be fine with it. Actually the one who recommended it to me, has no probs breaking through with it.

Is there a donut one, making enough vape do break through in one toke?
I mean one which vaporizes all the DMT in one toke. I could load more DMT into my capsule, which would probably work for a BT, but then I have no idea how much I get, and how much remains in the pen.
Which Flowermate do you use Aum_Shanti? I see they are coming out with new ones s30/s50 - maybe they would do the job?
I have an Aura (where Temp is freely adjustable from 40 to 230°C).
But as said, I didn't manage yet to break through with it.
So I cannot give a direct recommendation by myself for it.

The thing is also, that you have to inhale slowly with such a pen, eg. that is not needed with a bubble. And that means, that by the time you have completely inhaled the first toke, you are already quite strongly tripping.
Probably I should try it with a bigger amount. Always did 30mg loads. Will try 40mgs next time.
My other idea, I would like to try is to make a dry bong and use my vape on it. So I could theoretically put the smoke in the bong first and then use the kick hole to inhale everything at once.

I want to have such a "one button, one toke solution" for one reason: It seems I disconnect from my body pretty fast (disconnecting from my mind is the hard part...), so any option involving flames or hot parts (e.g. a GVG) is just out of question for me.
Yeah I need a "one button, one toke solution" too..
I've been looking at a Source Nail - expensive though..
Also a Flowermate S50 - but it doesn't seem to be out yet..
I could probably settle for less since I'm mostly gonna use it with 5-MeO-DMT but I'd like a all in one solution that I can use for DMT also..
I could probably settle for less since I'm mostly gonna use it with 5-MeO-DMT but I'd like a all in one solution that I can use for DMT also..

Yeah me too. That's why I also liked the capsule system of the FMs, so that there is no accidental possibility of having a residue of 5-MeO-DMT in it, when you want to do DMT. One capsule for 5-MeO-DMT and one for DMT.
This and the fact that the Aura is quite cheap and was recommended to me, by someone, made me to buy one. But as said, no BT yet for me with it...

I would think 5-MeO-DMT probably wouldn't be any problem with a FM (or a donut vape) as it is such a tiny amount of substance. But I didn't test it yet, as it is extremely difficult to get 5-MeO-DMT...

Probably higher reasons want that I first gather some experiences just with DMT.
Cool, same purpose.. And yes probably no sweat with 5meo.. I'd just like the added bonus for it to work with DMT - even though it's more kids technicolor stuff :p
I really like the coil-less atomizers with removable bucket in the Source Nail. It would also be very easy to keep buckets separate for each thing..
I wonder if you could load the atomizer up at room temperature and then heat it - would that make the vapor come on too slow? Maybe it would work with the smaller amount for 5meo? I have no pre experience with dabbing so I'm just curious to this as it would be the simplest method I could imagine - no fooling around with adding spice while it's hot, putting cap on and soforth..
First time I heard of the sourcenail. But I'm also no smoker.

Well, if you would start a source nail from room temp, you would actually do the same as a flowermate or some donut vaporizers do. I personally think it probably burns some material unnecessary, but certainly have no experience on this.

The only thing I would think is a bit a hassle, that the lowest temp is 200°F (that's 93°C). I personally like to first let it melt (this I do on 74°C), and cool again. Then it isn't anymore just fine powder which can get everywhere. So that you then can prepare without hassle, to go for it.

E.g. on my flowermate the DMT starts to smoke at a little bit less than 80°C.
Yes I was thinking the same - that it might not be completely as effective to start it from room temp. But as you say it would just be doing the same as a pen. And it also has a glass globe to use for this purpose so I guess it would work pretty good. Whereas dabbing may be even more effective because of the Leidenfrost Effect. I guess it's just a matter of experimenting to see the results. I just found out that I can save a good sum if I buy the Source Nail kit without battery and a battery on the side. So I think I'm gonna do that and buy a Eleaf iStick battery. Looks good, decent reviews and is pretty cheap.
I use an Atmos Kiln vape attachment for ALL my vaping needs. IT is the perfect tool for the job, it heats evenly, quickly and is lightening quick regarding on/off button. The only pointer I'd give is to slightly melt with a second on w/o drawing air through first, this mitigates any potential lost product via inadvertent inhalation of unvaped product.
physicstothemax said:
I use an Atmos Kiln vape attachment for ALL my vaping needs. IT is the perfect tool for the job, it heats evenly, quickly and is lightening quick regarding on/off button. The only pointer I'd give is to slightly melt with a second on w/o drawing air through first, this mitigates any potential lost product via inadvertent inhalation of unvaped product.

What is your setting with it physicstothemax? Does it ever bother you that you can't see the vaporization process?
I would think 5-MeO-DMT probably wouldn't be any problem with a FM (or a donut vape) as it is such a tiny amount of substance. But I didn't test it yet, as it is extremely difficult to get 5-MeO-DMT...

Short update:
5-MeO-DMT in the flowermate chamber with the wax capsule doesn't work good. As it seems the 230°C are just not enough for it. I always get some smoke, but it stops quickly and I have to wait until it is hot enough again for getting again some smoke, etc...

It seems DMT evaporates way easier than 5-MeO-DMT.

Edit: So I ordered now a donut vape. Will report, when tested.

Sorry to get off topic, but I'm curious about your screen name and avatar. I'm a big Sam Harris fan, and I watched his debate with Ben Affleck, in which Ben was clearly out of his element.

I'm curious, is that the reference?
Aum_Shanti said:
I would think 5-MeO-DMT probably wouldn't be any problem with a FM (or a donut vape) as it is such a tiny amount of substance. But I didn't test it yet, as it is extremely difficult to get 5-MeO-DMT...

Short update:
5-MeO-DMT in the flowermate chamber with the wax capsule doesn't work good. As it seems the 230°C are just not enough for it. I always get some smoke, but it stops quickly and I have to wait until it is hot enough again for getting again some smoke, etc...

It seems DMT evaporates way easier than 5-MeO-DMT.

Edit: So I ordered now a donut vape. Will report, when tested.

Any news on the donut Vape? :) And/or temperature settings?
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