I think it's possible...
I wonder if anyoneis still working with psychedelics and dolphins, and human float tanks etc like lilly was..would be interesting to see how they are making use of todays technology over what lilly had..
Most of his work with dolphin communication was done with the US Navy and I believe is still classified maybe the freedom of information act will someday allow it to be released someday. Of course there are dolphins in the US Navy likely capable of planting mines and underwater explosives as well as other devious forms of warfare. Its not enough for humans to kill one another in ignorance and Greed we have to involve other species in our genocide.
Lilly wanted no part of this after awile and spoke very little of his time with the Navy or his communications experiments. Some suspect he may have purposely effected the out come of experiments and may have submitted lots of false data to the navy intentionally. He was a scientist trying to earn a living and a research contract with the US Navy sounded pretty good I dont blame him for that.
I hope they will push the Sonar issue back into court I think they ruled on that during the bush(no capital B=No respect) administration. Hopefully more sooner than later things will change as humans become more intelligent.
Modern Computers can likely enhance any process that involves large amounts of data. Let us hope the Navy has no plans to communicate with other species using computers.
There is a very amusing Simpsons episode were dolphins come on shore and kick to humans asses back into the sea, very very funny:lol:
I know I posted this before but "Center of the Cyclone" is his best book in my opinion, about one third of the book are his isolation tank trip reports.
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