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Chacruna-Changa experience

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I am just coming down from a little journey with my Chacruna extracted dmt Changa.

I spent a while meditating before. Calm my nerves a bit.

I did a very small hit to get comfortable.

Then I went for the big one...

A different flavour to Mimosa-extracted spice, for sure... I did not breakthrough completely... well almost... I saw beautiful swirling coloured patterns, almost floral... I realised after I did not smoke the whole bowl... which was loaded with about 100mg Changa... 1:1 ratio so thats about 50mg. I guess the first hit I must have done 25-30mg of spice.

After the beautiful patterns, I was like in a bubble with a very bright light coming through... I knew it was the Changa at work as I was in a dark room with just one candle. I have had this with Ayahuasca before, and not with Mimosa spice, so I think maybe it is part of the character of Chacruna.
It was like I was being given certain gifts. I cannot recall the details. I also felt like I was gonna shit myself! Which kept me connected to my physical body...
Unfortunately, my room picks up a lot of noise from outside, and there was a period of car engines and doors slamming and stuff going on outside.. but once it was quiet again it was very blissful.

There were not so much clear visuals like I often get with Mimosa spice, it was more deep visions and feeling rather than visuals.

Still feeling the afterglow... mmmmmmm :)

I may try again later with more... I would like to experience a full breakthrough with this stuff.
But I made this partly for a friend, must be careful not to blow it all before I see him!!

Its a lot more effort extracting from Chacruna, and 200 grams got me 250mg spice... compare that to say 150g of good MHRB which can yield 2-3 grams!!
I think I prefer it though... more spacious and less clowny.
Cool, ive been hoping for some reportback on this subject.

More spacious and less clowny you say, so not so much of a rollercoaster ride eh?
gammagore said:
Cool, ive been hoping for some reportback on this subject.

More spacious and less clowny you say, so not so much of a rollercoaster ride eh?

Yeh - def has a calmer feel to it.. not as in-your-face.
More research to be done soon...

The Chacruna-Changa has also been tried at the end of an Ayahuasca session .. beautiful 3d spacey visuals were had, added an extra visual dimension to the Aya for about 20 mins or so.
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