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Chali dry tek

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I plan on basically following the iso dry tek posted by Jamie. I was thinking of a few mods. Let me know if there are any problems with the below ideas.

I have 28 grams dried chaliponga. I added approximately 300 ml near boiling water to a tupperware and soaked the leaves to moisten them. I threw them in the freezer last night.

I plan on thawing them out and doing three 15 minute boils with 1 liter of water with 3 tablespoons vinegar per pull.

Each pull to be filtered through a single and double coffee filter.

All three pulls will be combined and reduced to 300 ml.

This will be defatted with 3 pulls with xylene and 2 with naptha.

To the 300 ml chali tea I will add freshly made sodium carb till no more fizzing takes place. Ie vinegar neutralized.

The tea would be reduced further till a small amount of syrup is left.

And equal volume of sodium carb would be added and mixed adding water if necessary to ensure even blending.

This would be dried to a powder and added to a flask.

At this point I am unsure how yo proceed. The original tek called for pulling using iso. I am wondering if I can pull with naptha or xylene. I have read that sodium carb may not raise the pH enough for naptha to pull efficiently. What do you all think?

I would then filter the solvent and evap in dish.

Weigh the extract redissolve and impregnate leaf for awsome fun time.

As a noobie I expect a good chiding so let me have it!
Further research revealed that IPA will provide a full spectrum extract but is not the most powerful solvent for the job. That is why it originally called for hot IPA and multiple pulls. My research also indicated that DCM would be a good solvent to grab everything. I cannot source that easily so I will be going with xylene. Probably 4 pulls total. 2 on the first day, one the next day and a fourth the day after that. As stated these pulls will be filtered and evaped. The extract weighed and then infused into some plant matter. I have Damiana and calea as well as fresh mint and lemon balm.
Also with this tek I will attempt my first steps into DMT land. I have had a profound experience with salvia 15 years ago that has stuck with me. So I have high hopes.
Sounds like you have the basic theory down.

I would forget about boiling and reducing anything after base has been added. Base should only come into the equation when you are ready to freebase and pull the alkaloids. There is no need to neutralize the acid before reducing. Reducing weak acids is fine, but avoid reducing basic solutions completely.

If you want to drytek it, you could simply dry and powderize the plant material, add minimal water and base that. I'd use lime for that instead of the sodium carbonate. You could pull from that with ISO, naphtha, xylene, anything DMT is soluble in. The downside is you will pull a lot of chlorophyll and other stuff.

If you did reduce the tea to a syrup, make a basic powder and pull with ISO it will be a lot more fuss than simpler methods using naphtha to pull from your basified tea.

A simple clean way would be to do exactly as you mentioned up to reducing the tea to 300ml. Chlorophyll tends to separate during boiling so you could skim it off and discard it. Then base the tea with NaOH and pull with naphtha. Xylene will work but is less selective for DMT than regular naphtha.

I'm not trying to discourage you from doing it jamie's way, it's just that the method is different as it makes use of sodium carbonate and no naptha. If you want to use naptha, just base the tea and rip those alks right out. If you don't want to use NaOH, maybe do the paste. It's just a fair bit of extra work if you're going to use naphtha anyway.

ISO absorbs water from the air too, and thus will bring base into your final product.

And despite having just said ALL that... I bet you could just use naphtha to strip a dry basified powder of it's alkaloids instead of ISO if you'd rather do that. Pulling from filtered, reduced and basified solution would just give a cleaner result, and would also be quicker IMO.
Thanks for the reply! My issue is I only have access to what I can get at the hardware store. I could source sodium hydroxide from lye from drain cleaner correct? However I'd like to avoid it if possible. Sodium carb is easy to make. I'm wondering if i could base the tea with sodium carb and them pull with naptha or will it not raise the pH enough?
Chasemandingo said:
Thanks for the reply! My issue is I only have access to what I can get at the hardware store. I could source sodium hydroxide from lye from drain cleaner correct? However I'd like to avoid it if possible. Sodium carb is easy to make. I'm wondering if i could base the tea with sodium carb and them pull with naptha or will it not raise the pH enough?

Some drain cleaners are 100% sodium hydroxide yeah. I've never used sodium carbonate as a base for liquid extractions but I think it could get the PH to 12 ish, so it should work if you don't need to break down plant material.

From an old post:

Infundibulum said:
...dissolve 12.5 grams of it / litre water for a pH of ~12
.......or 25.0 grams of it / litre water for a pH of ~12.3
.......or 37.5 grams of it / litre water for a pH of ~12.4
.......or 50 grams of it / litre water for a pH of ~12.45
.......or 100 grams of it / litre water for a pH of ~12.5
.......or 200 grams of it / litre water for a pH of ~12.7

I might even give it a shot myself next time. Just watch out for foaming as it neutralizes the acids.
Yeah found that out the hard way following the tao of rue! Found a post by 69ron that seems to suggest acetone would be good to pull the DMT when based with sodium carb. So many variables that can by changed. It could make your head spin!
Well you definitely don't want your first extraction to be a complete mindf*ck... that comes later :lol:

Pretty much all the commonly mentioned solvents will pull freebase DMT freebase, I don't the choice of base has an effect on the pulling strength of the solvent itself. Just remember that polar solvents will mix with water and should be used to extract from dry material. They have to be 'dried' first (e.g by adding anhydrous MgSO4) because they can pull in moisture from the air, and that moisture can dissolve base which can end up in your final product.
28 gr leaf is not much to extract from.
The higher the concentration the more "drive" there is to move between layers.

Great to hear your interest to tinker though, keep up that good spirit :thumb_up:
I know it isn't much! I was hoping for around 4 journeys worth. I have 100 grams of mhrb as well. just doing the chali tek 1st. Assuming 1 % I should get around 280 mg of extract fingers crossed.
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