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changa for breakfast... on empty stomach.

Migrated topic.


Hi all... I was wondering if anyone out here has ever experienced a changa trip first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

The main reason I am asking is because my own experience was quite different to any other I've had so far.

Story is: I loaded my usual 100mg changa in my pipe last night, but somehow i didn't feel like hitting it, so it sat there till this morning... I woke up quite early this morning, around 4am - I work early morning shifts, so my body is use to it - and after a cup of coffee, being so dark and warm, I decided to hit the pipe.

The dosage and the batch are the same, and the entry to hyperspace similar to all my previous experiences, with colourful patterns moving towards me. However, as soon as I switched off the lights and laid on my bed, the speed and intensity of the trip got a bit out of control, so fast I couldn't really make any sense of it... so I opened my eyes, switched the lights back on and stood up to see if things would slow down a bit. They didn't. Besides the usual 8-bit resolution view and colours brightness, walls and objects in my room where morphing all over the place, I was a bit anxious but I knew it wasn't going to last too long... while sitting on my bed, I tried closing my eyes again, going straight back to hypervelocity pattern scenario.

So, here I am a few hours later, asking myself which factors may have contributed to such an intense experience... empty stomach? caffeine? could this be what they call an hyperslap?

Thanking you all in advance - safe and happy trips to all :)
I have smoked changa first thing on a morning a few times, I smoke lighter doses for morning meditation type experiences, my experiences differ from yours in that they are often very gentle mystical experiences, I usually smoke around 6am while it is still dark with all the lights off and wrapped in a duvet the house is very quiet and I do this around an hour or so before I set off for work (I car pool so I am not driving) which sets up the day nicely giving me plenty to contemplate during breaks and after work.

I have never smoked a dose of over 30mg on a morning, I probably will at some point but for me lower doses so far have been rewarding enough.

It doesn't sound like a hyperslap to me, that would be a much more aggressive feeling that would feel like a serious warning, it sounds like a 100mg dose smoked very early on a morning that provided a new type of experience, in my opinion when you get hyperslapped you rarely need to ask the question in the same way you rarely need to ask "did I just get run over?"
for what it's worth, i have found that mixing spice with any type of stimulant results in a less than optimal experience. coffee, consumed relatively close to launch time, has influenced the voyage on several occasions; i do not consume any caffeine, usually 6 hours or more, before spice.

on that note, i once made some e-juice with spice but did not have any juice without nicotine; i made a small batch anyway to see what the effect was like. it was not good. the trips with e-juice containing nicotine were the closest i've ever had to a bad experience...not a "hyper-slap", but i felt i was certainly "disciplined" by whatever powers we connect with during a DMT experience.

for me - no stimulants. your mileage may vary...

safe travels!
Thanks for your responses guys.

As I tend to learn from my mistakes, I've been reflecting about that trip for some time, and I believe perhaps my state of mind wasn't really ideal... often when we wake up our mind is till foggy or at least not really focused on anything in particular, and my guess would be that such a dosage may have laughed me into much more confusion than usually expected.

I've decided from now on to approach my experiences with a clearer mind state , and most of all with a clearer intention for the trip... I've been invoking calm and love thoughts before launch, and for the first time I've used some gentle music as well... I find music in the background kinda grounds me to this reality, and it becomes slightly harder to cross the lines between realities; it's not necessarily a negative thing, as it makes me feel safer knowing that this melodies are there to accompany me. I've noticed that the frequencies of the sounds slightly change pitch and echoed during the trip, which was quite a pleasant experience too.

The last couple of trips, preparing myself mentally, I've enjoyed the experience in a much gentler way.

Safe and happy trips to all.
ducdevil said:
for what it's worth, i have found that mixing spice with any type of stimulant results in a less than optimal experience. coffee, consumed relatively close to launch time, has influenced the voyage on several occasions; i do not consume any caffeine, usually 6 hours or more, before spice.

Thanks for this input ducdevil - the only reason I mentioned coffee is that it was in fact the only thing I've had in my body that morning. I usually drink 3 to 5 cups of strong coffee a day (espresso style), and I'm pretty sure I have developed a serious resistance to it... however, when you I that as a stimulant per se, I can't help to think that it may somehow actually effect the experience... I'll investigate on this one ;)

Thanks again - safe trips.
_Arcane_ said:
It doesn't sound like a hyperslap to me, that would be a much more aggressive feeling that would feel like a serious warning, it sounds like a 100mg dose smoked very early on a morning that provided a new type of experience, in my opinion when you get hyperslapped you rarely need to ask the question in the same way you rarely need to ask "did I just get run over?"

I agree with you Arcane: from what I could find searching thru the web, an hyperslap would have been far more dramatic.

Looking back to it, it makes my laugh how I was taken by surprise though... I clearly recall the intensity of the visuals were extremely real, body and environment vibrations, and although with my eyes open all the way, I couldn't quite escape the lure of the magic reality I was once again offered.

I will certainly try a lower dosage early morning, and see where it takes me to.

Thanks again - safe trips.
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