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Changa is over for me - definitely

Migrated topic.
This is an important thread bro. i have been thinking of going mainly to pharma now that im back to spice. i let it go for many months, then started a couple weeks ago and my lungs are noticeably worse. i used to smoke, still smoke pot, am older than i'll admit, wheeze a bit. Use changa made with re-x'd spice that is clean to start with and a GVG so its gentle as i can make it. No getting away from the fact its hard on the system.

i hope your return is succesful but want to hear if you still have probs. Thanx again.

Is a convulsing throat the need to swallow constantly and not being able to breath properly because of this? I'm perfectly healthy and i get this every time on change, don't like it :evil:
Luciapath said:
Is a convulsing throat the need to swallow constantly and not being able to breath properly because of this? I'm perfectly healthy and i get this every time on change, don't like it :evil:

That's it exactly! Swallowing continuously without any possibility to stop. In the end it is quite painful as the throat is very sore!
thank you forthripley!
SWIM did not know that.
SWIM puts his highly concentrated ammonia into the freezer. ice crystals form in the bottle, like a slushy. SWIM pours this out through a strainer and throws that away. Its very concentrated... thats all swim knows... and does the trick.

and hey that is an amazing story about the mullien!
Melodic Catastrophe said:
Anyways, back on track to the mullein... Swim has noticed that when he adds a little bit to any mixture, with or without spice, it makes the smoke many times smoother.

Agreed about the mullein. My friend uses it in her changa mixes, it's much better.

I've also used mullein to cure respiratory illnesses/infections. This past winter I caught a nasty little respiratory infection, and tried various herbal remedies to no avail. Then a friend recommended picking up mullein from the store, then rolling it into a cigarette/joint. I smoked two of these mullein joints and my infection cleared up immediately. It's wonderful medicine for the respiratory system.

Still, make sure you've tried recrystallizing or doing some sort of wash before completely dismissing the changa idea. The only time I've had the lung problem you mentioned was with unclean Spice.
From the interstellar time-spice-space I received the following communication:

"VaporGenie Works!!!!!!!!!!
Perhaps washing spice is a very effective way to clean it up and make it smoother on the lungs and throat. But for us, the lazy ones, using a classic vaporgenie was sufficient to send one to Innner Shpongolia :d without any discomfort whatsoever! It was like inhaling hot air (good hot spicy air!)

Thank you all for your suggestions, fellow inhabitants of the Nexus


End of transmission...
picatris said:
But for us, the lazy ones, using a classic vaporgenie was sufficient to send one to Innner Shpongolia :d without any discomfort whatsoever! It was like inhaling hot air (good hot spicy air!)

I use a VG and prefer not to be labeled "one of those lazy ones":)

Hell yes the VG is probably the smoothest smoking devices, but I still put alot of energy and thought into my extractions/changa making. Intention plays a big role.
The Australians I have spoken with have stated that a good changa blend will feel like smoking nothing... but will be strong with the force...
Don't cut corners guys. Fuck impure spice do an a/b and use bicarb washes its not worth the risk skipping these things you only hurt yourself.
Guys this is why I wrote my tek 7 years ago, people were getting seriously sick smoking the spice. If you smoke impure products repeatedly you WILL wind up with respiratory issues. Think about it folks you are smoking a highly toxic substance over and over. Wake up coughing infection well now you know why. The quick and easy extraction methods will get you your spice fast but it will do so at a cost. Even if you use a STB tek do a solvent wash and or a freeze precip. If you dont your gonna regret it I promise that. In the end the fact of the matter is a AB tek gets rid of a lot of leftovers and ensures your spice will be pure as it can be. Provided you follow the guide that is and dont take shortcuts.
naptha is all I ever use but I use pure naptha not that lighter fluid with all the chems added to it. A good naptha will evap off a plate leaving nothing behind. Smelly as heck I agree but I feel safe using it because no residue left behind.
Dorge said:
Still think you should wash it... its a pretty simple step...

Following your advice, I'm coming back to this thread, for I really wanted to know how is it after washing spice.

Well, my friends did it. And they now admit it is MUCH BETTER!!! :) With VG it was already quite good, but using washed spice is clearly the way to go!

"Thou shalt not smoke unwashed spice ever again" should be a commandment here on the Changa sub-forum

The procedure used to wash was pretty simple.
1. Dissolve crude freebase in naphtha (40 ml/ 0.5 grams)
2. drop the naphtha in a similar amount of basified water so not to loose any spice. For this step pH was upped until 12-13 with Ca(OH)2
3. Stir, shake. let it rest a couple of minutes, stir and shake again...
4. separate the naphtha from the watery solution and freeze precipitate
5. after 36 hours remove unbelievably white crystals from the naphtha

Works like a charm!
I do a completely foodgrade tek and wash spice with distilled water. I sprinkle a bit of peppermint/lavender/mullein/etc. into each blend, and it is, quite literally, like smoking nothing. Marijuana feels so harsh and dirty by comparison. I can go for four or five journeys (aliens permitting), smoking slowly, savoring, and it's all good.

There should be no need to cough. :)

The only time I had a rough smoke was when my batch was slightly contaminated with sodium carbonate. Don't smoke that. ;)

Glad to hear you found something that works! <3
I extract with an A/B and then do a sodium carbonate wash. My spice is very pure and I never feel it's hard on my throat. And my throat is very sensitive. There's no way I can smoke cigarettes. But like I said my spice doesn't hurt at all.
I recommend trying both a VG and some sort of wash. Burnt Spice => a S.C.A.R.Y experience.

Can SWIY elaborate on the scariness of burnt spice? Maybe a familiar problem but more info is needed.
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