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Changa joints... WOW!

Migrated topic.
gammagore said:
Yes, they do waste DMT, but they are a very different experience than that full power you get from hitting the bong/GVG/machine.

I havent smoked one in a long time, but I do have very fond memories of it( apart from the horrible smell).

At the end of the day all that matters is what you bring back from the experince.

I agree, technically it's a waste, but I don't look at it that way. The same could be achieved with less, but you lose the experience of the joint, which I have always loved from my mj days.

I guess the smell is hit or miss, I apologize aloneits if I was coming off as rude about the smell earlier. I just think it smells great. :d
I should be trying this tonight :)

Going to use 300mg 1:1 changa (150mg spice) in a joint with enough damiana to spread it out evenly, im thinking i should've infused at a different ratio, as even just a tiny pinch of what i have there is still a 30/40mg hit of spice
Have fun chronic. Sounds like that joint is going to be strong!8)
Try and post what you thought of the joint if you have time.
I really love those things!
To be honest it wasn't that great, i couldn't get a good flow going on with the joint, but it was very cold outside and i kept my eyes open for most of it, the visuals of trees, grass etc were quite disorientated oev's, when i closed my eyes it was incredible though, afterwards we used pipes and it was much much better i feel, i like the idea of a little bong that i've seen suggested

In the pipe i just started slow & built up to it, meditated into it, the visuals on DMT combined with meditation is just Epic, the more i meditated the more the visuals became beautiful/intense/expansive, its like having a visual representation of that which can't be phenomenally represented, infinity. The more you let go the more everywhere it is/you are. The less you touch the images the more they dance...

At one point i opened my eyes looked at my friend & i could see he was made of that energy that i was seeing with my eyes closed, everything is, but on DMT i can see that energy, actually tangibly see it, its like all shapes & colours possible morphing & multiplying endlessly, DMT & meditation is absolutely incredible :shock:

I also had another alien experience at the beginning but these things might be better kept to oneself :lol:

What do you mean about the joint not having a good flow? Was it not rolled tight enough or something? That's too bad you didn't really enjoy it. Smoking out of the bong or bowl is much different though, it's not spread out. I breakthrough when smoking out of a bong, but not with a joint, and that is kind of my goal sometimes...
I think just sharing the joint rather than having my own bowl which i can burn at will is what broke the flow, one person would zone out with the joint in their hand & you don't wanna ask for it back & disturb them cause their gone... Also after years of smoking its hard to break the habit of exhaling, on the joint i probably blew half the smoke out & forgot to hold it in so just got mild visuals. It was nice at times but at other times just didn't hit the spot & felt awkward.

With a bowl you can totally stretch it out if you want to, you just light it very gently & hold every toke in all the way
Also smoke is generally nasty imo, id rather inhale as little of it as possible ;)

I LOVED sitting down meditating & taking in a bowl as i felt necessary... i have to agree with some of the others & say the joint was a waste of spice, for the effort of extraction & the resulting yield i certainly wouldn't skin up with it again, but that's for me, if you enjoy it go for it...
Well, glad to hear your input. It's always best to stick with what you enjoy.
I love my bowls, bongs, bubblers and machine, but these joints hold a special place in my heart.
You basically admitted you did not smoke it efficiently either, which may lead to your conclusion that it's a waste of spice.
Honestly, the joints I roll rarely even get finished. The spice used is pure and powerful. I hold my hits until no smoke comes out, and after about 3 or 4 hits I have to put it out because I'm tripping good and don't want to worry about a lit joint anymore. Still don't understand how anybody could say it's a waste of spice, it's just not. In the end, I may use only 60-80 mg more of spice than if I were taking a breakthrough dose out of the machine or other device. The joints last anywhere from 2-3 sessions, while a bowl is pretty much one and done. If you're going for a breakthrough, which I stated these joints wouldn't achieve, then yes the joints are a waste. If you're looking to work with spice in a more gentle way to relieve anxiety before taking a breakthrough dose, or just looking for a mellow and beautiful tryptamine experience, these joints are my favorite. In the end do what makes you feel most comfortable. Take care Chronic.
I love changa joints!

One of the best experiences i've ever had was with this- smoked at the edge of a meadow in the sun. The way i found that was best is to first smoke down a joint of caapi leaf/bark to load up on maoi's, maybe with a pinch of dmt added. Then taking small puffs of the caapi leaf/ caapi changa joint to get things going. I get a lot out of doing it slowly like this, plus its easier to commit to it-as it is much less daunting then taking one massive vapor genie hit and breaking through in like ten seconds.
heavenlypursuit said:
Well, glad to hear your input. It's always best to stick with what you enjoy.
I love my bowls, bongs, bubblers and machine, but these joints hold a special place in my heart.
You basically admitted you did not smoke it efficiently either, which may lead to your conclusion that it's a waste of spice.
Honestly, the joints I roll rarely even get finished. The spice used is pure and powerful. I hold my hits until no smoke comes out, and after about 3 or 4 hits I have to put it out because I'm tripping good and don't want to worry about a lit joint anymore. Still don't understand how anybody could say it's a waste of spice, it's just not. In the end, I may use only 60-80 mg more of spice than if I were taking a breakthrough dose out of the machine or other device. The joints last anywhere from 2-3 sessions, while a bowl is pretty much one and done. If you're going for a breakthrough, which I stated these joints wouldn't achieve, then yes the joints are a waste. If you're looking to work with spice in a more gentle way to relieve anxiety before taking a breakthrough dose, or just looking for a mellow and beautiful tryptamine experience, these joints are my favorite. In the end do what makes you feel most comfortable. Take care Chronic.

I agree that if you hold it in its not a waste of spice at all, i just mean the way i used it was a waste of spice 😉

Im all for the slow build up to a larger dose but i think i just personally prefer sitting with a bowl, the only reason is i like to sit indian style and to me a bowl or a bong just feels better with meditation compared to a joint

The only thing i would definitely consider a waste is not meditating during the experience
Chronic said:
Im all for the slow build up to a larger dose but i think i just personally prefer sitting with a bowl, the only reason is i like to sit indian style and to me a bowl or a bong just feels better with meditation compared to a joint

I see your point there, I love doing the same thing, and a joint is not too accommodating for that.

Meditating really does have a tremendous effect on the overall experience.
UniverseCannon said:
I love changa joints!

One of the best experiences i've ever had was with this- smoked at the edge of a meadow in the sun. The way i found that was best is to first smoke down a joint of caapi leaf/bark to load up on maoi's, maybe with a pinch of dmt added. Then taking small puffs of the caapi leaf/ caapi changa joint to get things going. I get a lot out of doing it slowly like this, plus its easier to commit to it-as it is much less daunting then taking one massive vapor genie hit and breaking through in like ten seconds.

My sentiments exactly UniverseCannon. It's all the trippy effects without having to jump off the deep end. The funny thing is, that after every joint I smoke, I almost always load up a breakthrough dose of spice. Whether it be infused leaf, full range, or pure freebase, I have no anxiety at all after the joints. I just jump right into my next experience. It is very hard for me to do that normally, but the joints seem to really take the edge off.
heavenlypursuit said:
Meditating really does have a tremendous effect on the overall experience.

I found yesterday the best way to meditate with it was to have a bowl of 1:1 peppermint, about 2/3 small pinches of the leaf (around 50mg dmt), i didn't measure as i found it best to go with feeling a dose out, rather than thinking out a dose

So i burn a small bit of it, gently does it, then close eyes & don't open them apart from when i wanted to take a bit more, usually dry stuff would burn faster & at the end after 4/5 small tokes i'd have a big damp lump of leaf saturated with melted DMT, keep burning it slow... close eyes, stay calm, observational, only observe, then when you feel ready open eyes, finish it off in 2/3 tokes, close eyes, just observe, stay calm, JUST OBSERVE... the best way i can describe it now is like ninja stars made of all colours, spinning into all shapes, multiplying in all directions, life energy in its RAWEST form, but with an immovable deep calm behind it all, its all spinning out of that calmness... its great, i can actually see it now & remember it perfectly, with meditation i could stretch out the afterglow for what seemed as long as i wanted, as long as i stayed quiet, my whole body was smiling from my spine/core, only feeling the need to say something to my friend & then doing so 'ended it' although that is not truly true, as it never ends 😉

It's so sacred
I share much of your feelings about changa joints with changa (technically enhanced leaf) hookah. Can go as far as you want, easily shared amongst a group, but not as efficient as other methods (I found 200-250mg changa works well to give good, sub breakthrough doses to 3-4 people. This is with some weed and shisha as well). It's pretty cool when you and a buddy break through together, passing the hoses to other friends who subsequently break through. Then the rest of the bowl gets you baked (which may or may not be your thing). Fun times. A couple buddies and I went back three times one night, listening to Rush :)

I'm definitely giving changa joints a chance when I get some caapi and mullein and make some changa. As someone who enjoys low dose and high dose DMT and someone who likes to share (and isn't overly concerned about efficiency), it seems like a great idea.
Right on biohazard.
Definitely try the joints, it will be similar to the hookah.
It's not the most efficient method, but for communal dmt smoking purposes it's perfect.
I'm curious - how much trouble have you had passing the joint? I'd imagine when spiced, it would be extremely hard, particularly if it was near the end or thin. Perhaps I'll roll it with a good size filter when I try, for something to grip easier.
It gets passed with the ashtray. Each person tries to lean the joint so the cherry is in the middle, and the part to grab is leaning against the side of the ashtray. It's can difficult to pick up the joint from the ashtray sometimes (i always get depth perception issues at low doses) but it's much easier than passing the joint person to person.
swim'sinteresting about the use of hookah for dmt smoking,it seems a very collective meditative way to smoke it..and maybe pretty effective too
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