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Changa Joints

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Greetings all,

A friend is blessing me with some caapi and chali in the not so distant future. The notion of changa joints is intriguing to me, so wondering what everyones experiences of this are.

In particular, I cannot handle bongs or pipes whatsoever, Salvia made me splutter like crazy even though it was magnitudes less harsh than say cannabis, but in addition I feel like changa joints might also allow a more controlled dosage.

I've heard of joints being made with things such as mullein, how does this smoke in comparison to tobacco? I've given up cigarettes so would prefer not to use tobacco in anything, but if the mullein doesn't smoke too well then it would be a waste...

Do the different blends work well in joints as well i.e electric sheep?

Whats a typical duration of effects?

Does anyone prefer this method over the use of pipes etc?

I guess I like the idea that I can easily travel anywhere with a changa joint and so would have more freedom to open up the portal to the other realms in different environments.

Any responses appreciated,


Methtical said:
I've heard of joints being made with things such as mullein, how does this smoke in comparison to tobacco? I've given up cigarettes so would prefer not to use tobacco in anything, but if the mullein doesn't smoke too well then it would be a waste...

Mullein smokes much better than tobacco, much.

Methtical said:
Do the different blends work well in joints as well i.e electric sheep?


Methtical said:
Whats a typical duration of effects?

The onset is alot slower, so there can be a period when things get a little uneasy if one is not fimiliar with these realms, but you just keep puffing. So this way one can have a much longer experience, as long as one just carries on smoking the joint.

Methtical said:
Does anyone prefer this method over the use of pipes etc?

I like it for outdoors, I do find it rather smelly though, so I prefer not to smoke it indoors, unless im in my tub.

You say onset is slower....does this mean there is more of a graduation into hyperspace then? Also, is intensity the same as freebase then, so long as you keep smoking (assuming you can recognize the joint still after a certain point!)

ye, you dont quite get blasted into it. Its more gradual.

The intesity is there, but this way you can slowly push further and further. Eventually there comes a time when you dont know what is going on:)
That's fantastic, I cannot wait to give this a try, heard nothing but good things, I love the idea of all the different blends too, true sorcery if ever I did see it :)

(sings like an opera type dude) chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnngggaaaaaaaaaa joooooooooooiiiiiiiiinnnnntsaaaaaaaaaa yuuummmmmmmmm!!! :)

I do love them though... maybe too much. If someone had said to me a couple years ago that there was such a thing as a psychedelic spliff, I'd have been like "noh man, noh likes!" but there we have it... Psychedelic joints that taste pure joy.

Love changa :)
Swim indulged in a changa joint this afternoon at the park. (spice+mullein+passionflower)

swim tried to just keep puffing away and smoke the whole thing to make sure he got the full effects, but made it about 3/4 of the way through it and that was all he needed apparently because he completely forgot where he was and caught himself staring at a tree in amazement for quite some time.

After swim remembered that he had the tail end of the joint in his hand he sparked it back up, smoked it all the way down and layed back on a blanket in the grass, put his hat over his face and took a flight through hyperspace.

Once the effects started to subside swim then had a meditation and stretching session before smoking a small bowl of cannabis and returning home.

If it wasnt for this thread swim probably wouldnt have thought to try a changa joint, so he expresses his thanks when hes says, it was fantastic!
DimethylSpice said:
swim tried to just keep puffing away and smoke the whole thing to make sure he got the full effects, but made it about 3/4 of the way through it and that was all he needed apparently because he completely forgot where he was and caught himself staring at a tree in amazement for quite some time.

After swim remembered that he had the tail end of the joint in his hand he sparked it back up, smoked it all the way down and layed back on a blanket in the grass, put his hat over his face and took a flight through hyperspace.

Nice:d :d

So, I introduced a group of about 8 to changa the other night via rolled 'joint':

pau d'arco

Mixed 1:1.5 leaf:jimjam.

Leaf infused with caapi tea reduction.

Wow! Minds blown and not a single negative or difficult experience. All color and beauty. Being the only one experienced with the leaf I was hesitant to introduce in a group setting. Thank goodness I did -- wonderful experiences for all.

I highly recommend rolled changa for group settings. The energy builds slowly and lets newcomers ease in to the transition. Magical, indeed.

Hi guys,

Bringing this oldish thread up again because my circumstances in the next week will alter such that I can finally indulge in the spice once more (I've been putting it off as I've had assignments, exams etc etc to take care off and I wanted a clear mind and conscience before embarking again, just seems sensible to me) and I was just admiring the tiny crystal glintings of my infused caapi when it occured to me that I wasn't sure how much to actually put in a joint.

I mean, if my understanding is correct, if I was to say desire a 50mg experience, I'd bong 100mg of changa..... but, if I were to put the changa in a joint, then does this mean that 100mg of changa spread throughout the joint means that 1 joint is equal to a 50mg experience (assuming one gets so far as smoking it all before hyperspace places one hand on the reins)? How much do people typically put in their joints?


IME I need to put in way more than what is needed in a bong or the GVG if rolled in a joint. prolly like 5-75mg changa more and then still rolled with some mullein.
I was recently at an ayahuasca retreat for a few days, and I took a little Changa with me. We had a little session with a few joints one night (in between Aya ceremonies) and it was great, first time I have done it like that - 4 of us, taking one toke and holding it in as it went round the circle. Was not very strong, I purposefully did not make it strong, mostly Caapi leaf and tobacco with a sprinkle of 1:1 changa.

I had a little left afterward, and at the end of the next Aya ceremony, a few of us still gently journeying, we decided to try a little Changa joint.
WOW!!! it really has so much power in combination with Ayahuasca in your system. Very very deep and healing, almost overwhelming. Highly recommended this way! Just be prepared, we were going for about 30 mins I think.
Thats great! working with the two together!
could you tell u more about the particulars of your experience?
Dorge said:
Thats great! working with the two together!
could you tell u more about the particulars of your experience?

I can try!

Well, it seemed to come on more slowly than usual.. me and another guy were still smoking, while the room started shimmering, the other two were laying back by this time, I had time to find my spot and lay down to get into the journey.

My main memory is of a giant entity, almost robot-like. He was standing next to or showing me a giant cube, almost like a rubik's cube, rolling it in mid-air very slowly, like it was very heavy. It had many faces on it, and the whole scene was surrounded by lots of entities / faces watching.. It became very intense, and some fear crept in, which held me back... I was worried I may not come back!! (familiar thought-pattern) - I opened my eyes and breathed strongly, told myself, you have invited this spirit into your conciousness, just go with it, accept, trust... was difficult tho.

Gradually the intensity subsided, and I was able to relax again. Even though I got some fear, the peak of the experience beforehand felt very healing. I'm looking forward to working this way more in the future.

Thank you all for this amazing gift :)
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