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Changa Joints

Migrated topic.
I would like to ask a thing about changa joint, since looks very interesting and I've never tried it.

You use changa and, as many say, mullien (I would maybe use mint), but in what dosage?
I mean, if I use half changa-half mint, and use like 120 mg 1:1 (so 60 mg Spice) would be ok? For, a full 1:1 changa joints looks too powerful and I don't have much Spice at the moment.
better do smaller joints?
I've seen a topic about sharing a joint, a bit of experience about the frequency of passing?

Looks like a wonderful world to me, this changa joint! =D
gammagore said:
IME I need to put in way more than what is needed in a bong or the GVG if rolled in a joint. prolly like 5-75mg changa more and then still rolled with some mullein.
Mullein is better to roll with, puffy herb helps roll it better. Roll it like 1.5 times what you normaly smoke, mix in whatever herb just to make it more rollable, and take slow deep puffs of that baby, you will know when you are far enough, then when you come back, light it up again:)

If you dont have changa to experiment with, wait till you do have more to spare. It can use up alot.
Well, if I use 150 mg changa instead of 100 is not that loss. I just take those 150 mg, roll up with mullein (if you say it's better I trust you =) ) until I got a normal, maybe smaller, joint.

That's clear enough for me, thanks =)
I have to practice smoking a bit, before, but hope this helps me out with my research (since the VG is a too short experience, I enter and go out too fast and can't get to make much of usefull).
DimethylSpice said:
Swim indulged in a changa joint this afternoon at the park. (spice+mullein+passionflower)

swim tried to just keep puffing away and smoke the whole thing to make sure he got the full effects, but made it about 3/4 of the way through it and that was all he needed apparently because he completely forgot where he was and caught himself staring at a tree in amazement for quite some time.

After swim remembered that he had the tail end of the joint in his hand he sparked it back up, smoked it all the way down and layed back on a blanket in the grass, put his hat over his face and took a flight through hyperspace.

Once the effects started to subside swim then had a meditation and stretching session before smoking a small bowl of cannabis and returning home.

If it wasnt for this thread swim probably wouldnt have thought to try a changa joint, so he expresses his thanks when hes says, it was fantastic!

Sounds like a wonderful day to me :) Wish I could have been doing the same thing. I'll have to try a changa joint sometime.
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