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changa or straight spice for the novice?

Migrated topic.
Quick question about Electric Sheep. If someone bought cheap blue lotus that doesn't have any effects in enhanced leaf of just pure blue lotus and DMT, will that blue lotus need to be enhanced in strength to use for electric sheep?

My friend wants to use his blue lotus together with leaves from my Calea plant (which should take off quite nicely this summer), but doesn't know if his blue lotus is going to be up to the job. He's considering making 10x Blue Lotus by mixing 10 grams of blue lotus with an ethanol/naphtha mixture (a good mix of polar protic solvent and nonpolar solvent, to get all the psychoactives dissolved), then evapping both of them down onto 1 gram of blue lotus. Would that blue lotus work better for Electric Sheep, and should the Calea be enhanced as well?
sorry can't help you out Samadhi-Sukha-Upekkha, but it sounds like a good question that deserves its own thread.

Anyone else out thee have any advice regarding changa (I have read most of whst's on the site already - looking more more personal accounts)
All of Dorge's posts on it really helped SWIM out as she was getting her sea-legs. Have you checked out hir blog on changaya?
no, a blog? where do I find dorge's blog? I googled it, but no luck. Is it buried in this site?

excuse my ignorance once again Ragbar!

Gammagore - don't really know. just fishing... I guess quantities, how to smoke, expectations... but I guess I could find that out elsewhere on the site.


jbark, check on the bottom of dorje's post, the signature:)

Just sift through the changa sub, alot of questions are answered there, or just ask.

Art has a real good description of enhanced leaf/changa.

For me, 100mg changa, or there about does it, but I have had some amazing experiences on 70mg changa.

I use a bong and a GVG for the changa. Both work very well. A changa spliff can be rolled too, just roll up the changa with some mullein or whatever fluffy herb and puff away. Expectations----just an easy and guiding hand to hyperspace, there are endless ways to work with changa. Each herb gives me a differnt and unique feel and experience.

Make a blend or two, try it out and see for yourself, you wont be dissapointed:)
thanks gammagore. Just waiting to get over this interminable bronchitis. I'll post a report when I get a chance to try it, in a week or two (hopefully...) In the meantime, research, research, research!

gammagore said:
For me, 100mg changa, or there about does it, but I have had some amazing experiences on 70mg changa.
How does changa dose compare with pure DMT dose? For example, you say 100mg changa is good for you. Does this mean 50mg straight spice would have similar intensity? I finally made some changa (50% caapi leaf, 50% DMT) and tried a light dose – 50mg, and it didn’t seem as intense as 25mg spice. A bit underwhelming, but that’s OK.

Do you need more DMT when using it in the form of changa?
Changa through the GVG is on par with freebase, same intesity?hmm, no, i feel its a little less frantic, dont get me wrong, its still intense but its a litle more managable. The two get me to the same place, but the fourney there is a little more gentle.

If I smoke it through a bong, slowly, then ony a little more is needed.
gibran2 said:
gammagore said:
For me, 100mg changa, or there about does it, but I have had some amazing experiences on 70mg changa.
How does changa dose compare with pure DMT dose? For example, you say 100mg changa is good for you. Does this mean 50mg straight spice would have similar intensity? I finally made some changa (50% caapi leaf, 50% DMT) and tried a light dose – 50mg, and it didn’t seem as intense as 25mg spice. A bit underwhelming, but that’s OK.

Do you need more DMT when using it in the form of changa?

glad SWIM helped, and glad the site is helping as well... If any one has any suggestions for the site...please feel free to share... always looking for more bioassays as well.
and yes... the link is on the signature of all of swims posts.😉

you know... 70mg of changa... is a notion that swim cannot even remotely relate to. a measured out dose of changa... the way of the smoke would not go well with that IMHO... lol... its such an intuitive process! feel it out! What feels right, what feels necessary? what do you need? What is it communicating to you!?
One thing that is really unique about changa as apposed to smoking spice, is that it will talk to you if you talk to it, if you ask it what to do, it will tell you how much to smoke, how to smoke it, what to combine with it in the blends, that in a way is the essence of what swim likes to call nuevo vegetalismo! The addition of vine, leaf, or other harmalas allows direct communication to occur it will talk to you! SERIOUSLY! a good friend of swims is currently learning that process and the changa is literally telling him everything he needs to know to work with it and to heal and learn what he needs to know. No elves getting in the way with their pesky tricks!

In preparation a 1:1 ratio is all you need. 10x concentrated caapi leaf as the base is the most sought after preference, and swim thinks is the best, though some say they like some vine in there added to it, swimthinks that the vines addition of harmaline may prolong things... but swim finds it cloudy and stoney.
put some in a pipe.
smoke it, hold it... take another hit...
hold that... while asking it what you need to ask...
then just open up and listen... seriously thats all you need to do. be receptive and responsive to the information that you receive with all senses.
the results are amazing.

Smoking spice is great... but you do not hear the voice and guidance of the harmalas... whether they are coming from the plants themselves or allowing the voices to be heard from many other sources... the ability harmalas have to allow you to hear this voice is worthy of changas full on devotion.
one can see why there are religions based around drinking ayahausca!
ohh, so that's YOUR site, Dorge - already been there and read most of what's on there! Everything spice seems to always lead back to the nexus (I guess that's what a nexus is, right?)
Cool, and thanks for the tips.

gibran2 said:
gammagore said:
For me, 100mg changa, or there about does it, but I have had some amazing experiences on 70mg changa.
How does changa dose compare with pure DMT dose? For example, you say 100mg changa is good for you. Does this mean 50mg straight spice would have similar intensity? I finally made some changa (50% caapi leaf, 50% DMT) and tried a light dose – 50mg, and it didn’t seem as intense as 25mg spice. A bit underwhelming, but that’s OK.

Do you need more DMT when using it in the form of changa?

I found that with this particular blend, 100mg was the minimum. Where I was getting off on 20-30mg freebase, 80-100mg Caapi leaf Changa was sub-breakthrough. I also found the sub-breakthrough space on this blend difficult. I have to make sure that with Caapi leaf changa I punch right through; and that means 120+ mg.

The Caapi leaf really has a grounding quality, it's very earthy and viny. I found that it was subterraenean as opposed to stratospheric. I think that's why it requires more of me and once I have blasted through, it's bliss.
ms_manic_minxx said:
Nuevo vegetalismo-- I LOVE IT!!! :d

I am all for talking with the changa and having an intuitive experience... 8)

Nuevo vegetalismo a trade mark of changaya.blogspot.com lol

Its something I have been working on for a while now. Its going into the book.
SWIM is all about talking to it and having an intuitive experience too:wink:
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