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Changa Questions

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Rising Star
Hey guys just a quick question about changa. So I've recently got some Caapi leaves. Some Chaliponga and blue lotus is also on the way. I've never had Changa and am very excited to experiment. Do I need to make 10x caapi or can I just do a 1:1 with my caapi as is? Also I've got some Syrian rue seeds. Ive never extracted harmalas, and see that its incorporated into Changa. Is it necessary? Ive never used any MaoI's so I want to take this part with a little caution. Thanks in advance guys!
I too am a noob when it comes to changa and even DMT. But everything I've read on the subject of your query leads me to believe that there isn't a set answer to that question. Some say extracting the harmalas from Caapi or Rue is the only way to go, while others say that they can detect no discernible difference between straight caapi leaf or harmala enhanced leaf. I would also be interested in hearing more on this subject...
Up to you mate. As Jupitor said there isn't a set answer.

Maybe make a little infused leaf with the plain caapi and see how you like it? Then you could make a harmala extraction and boost those harmalas for your next round. Experiment until you find what suits you.
Deadhead410 said:
Hey guys just a quick question about changa. So I've recently got some Caapi leaves. Some Chaliponga and blue lotus is also on the way. I've never had Changa and am very excited to experiment. Do I need to make 10x caapi or can I just do a 1:1 with my caapi as is? Also I've got some Syrian rue seeds. Ive never extracted harmalas, and see that its incorporated into Changa. Is it necessary? Ive never used any MaoI's so I want to take this part with a little caution. Thanks in advance guys!

There are so many factors it's hard to tell. Everyone has his own personal changa.

Original recipe (?): 1 g caapi, 1 g DMT
Other possible recipe is: 1 g herbs (non-MAOI), 1 g DMT freebase, 0.3 g freebase harmalas

Now "freebase harmalas" is usually harmaline:harmine mixture of unknown proportion. My harmala freebase is almost all harmine and it works just fine - I like adding more, like 0.4-0.5 g harmine. But that can be uncomfortable if you increase dose of changa as you inevitably increase the dosage of MAOI.

...so maybe make you changa depending on how much DMT you plan to consume. You can take MAOI separately to find your sweet spot.
Deadhead410 said:
Hey guys just a quick question about changa. So I've recently got some Caapi leaves. Some Chaliponga and blue lotus is also on the way. I've never had Changa and am very excited to experiment. Do I need to make 10x caapi or can I just do a 1:1 with my caapi as is? Also I've got some Syrian rue seeds. Ive never extracted harmalas, and see that its incorporated into Changa. Is it necessary? Ive never used any MaoI's so I want to take this part with a little caution. Thanks in advance guys!

I agree with most of what everyone's said here.

There's so many avenues to go down, I think that the crux of it comes down to how many harmalas you're looking to add to the blend and in what ratio relative to the herb mix and dmt - whether that be just adding in caapi leaf by itself and experiencing the minuscule bit of harmalas that come within the leaf itself when smoked in those amounts, or you could make some 10x like you'd mentioned - in order to experience more of the full gamut of caapi leaf in tandem with the dmt.

If you have rue seeds I might look into one of the few extractions listed in the wiki in order to get a relatively clean harmala freebase, then add that according to the other ingredients. Not necessary, but a very powerful addition, and once the amount you add' is dialed in according to the blend, it can act as a powerful potentiator of the dmt without much interference, outside of it's RIMA activity, ime.

Though you could just keep it simple this time around and just stick with a real basic blend of caapi leaf/dmt, just do a 1:1. Really though, if there's a bit of patience then extracting harmalas would probably be a good route, it's a fairly simple process with pretty decent xtals, easy to dissolve down and add to a blend.

Thanks for all the responses guys! Finally home from work and after some thought I decided to go with 10x caapi to start as I’ve never experimented much with it. I plan to extract from the rue in a few days as well. I’m quite excited about this run. I haven’t had much time to dedicate but the next few days seem promising!
if you have enough material to work with you could try to make a changa with mostly harmine,
mostly harmaline and a mix of them by separating it by sodium bicarbonate and carbonate addition.
so you could find what is better for you as i was pretty in the discussion about trying to make a rue alk changa with a ratio similar to caapi.
If it was me I would put 15 grams of caapi leaf in a crock pot for 12 hours. Lower it down to about a half a cup of water. put the water and 1g of caapi leaf in a jar and let it dry. Once dried I would infuse it with dmt. Make it 25% dmt by weight. I swear to you it will be the best tasting changa on the planet 😁 .. I wouldn't worry about mixing a bunch of different plants together because all you're going to do it make it taste like crap :lol: .....
My mixmeister fusionist skillz disagree Running Bear. :lol:

I've made some lovely smoalks through testing individual ingredients alone and adding accordingly.
So my first batch, I started with 1g 10x caapi, infused that with 1g spice. I have a bunch of caapi, chaliponga, Mexican dream herb, and blue lotus. This will be my first changa experience when I try it out. Only freebase up until now. I’m gonna let it dry another day or so. Thanks again for the replies!
Northerner said:
My mixmeister fusionist skillz disagree Running Bear. :lol:

I've made some lovely smoalks through testing individual ingredients alone and adding accordingly.

Lol I made a batch of enhanced leaf with Peppermint leaf, Mullein and blue lotus that wasn't to bad. red caapi leaf is my favorite and I highly recommend it to anyone reading this. 8)
Deadhead410 said:
So my first batch, I started with 1g 10x caapi, infused that with 1g spice. I have a bunch of caapi, chaliponga, Mexican dream herb, and blue lotus. This will be my first changa experience when I try it out. Only freebase up until now. I’m gonna let it dry another day or so. Thanks again for the replies!

I thought the point of changa was to have a lighter more grounded experience. :lol:
Lol are you referring to amount of spice? I always saw 1:1 ratio’s so I thought that was the norm haha. I have enough to experiment with several mixes and strengths
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