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Changa reassurance

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
So I'm making changa tonight for the first time and have read up and stuff but just want to make sure I don't screw up anything. I am just going to dissolve 500mg of dmt in a warm high proof drinking alcohol then adding 250mg of caapi and 250mg of mullein. Then stiring well and then just leave to evaporate? Should i be good with that. Any advice or pointers welcome and thanks.
So 500mg dmt, 500mg mullein. Then how much harmalas(caapi leaf in my case)? Also a 100 proof or more drinking alcohol will work just fine? Or should I go for an ipa? I probably could do either but want to have a finished product within about 4 days or less preferably.
All sounds good. If possible find a warm surface to put the small dish on in order to speed up the drying process, and while it's evaporating - stir the herb mix every so often within the alcohol - just to make sure there's some decent distribution of the alkaloids.
ok, after review I see I want a 1:1:1 ratio of spice, leaf, and harmalas? I am also wondering about sugars in drinking alcohol. I was planning on using don q rum but am starting to think I should go with ipa. Does it matter at all?
This is going to be very "heavy" or at least from my research and my own batches of changa. Everyone reacts/has different tolerance levels to harmalas. some people it only takes a little to get a good effect, i am one of those people. others it takes quite a bit more. i would start slow. you can always add more. i believe when i made my batch i did. half a gram of spice half a gram of leaf and .125g of extracted vine alks. perfect balance for myself. i plan on making a a tad heavier batch in the future
Also i would use some kind of ISO/IPA if you can. 91% or higher if possible.. just as little water as possible is the main thing as well as clean evap. mullein has nice large and thick stems that work well as great "sponges" to wipe up all residual spice stuck to dish after everything has evaporated. just dip the stem in ISO and wipe it all up and let dry. hope you enjoy friend. safe travels!
Hit the liquor store for a shot-size bottle of EVERCLEAR, pure grain alcohol. Should be like 180 proof. That's 90% alcohol. I don't like using isopropyl for most stuff except clean-up.... preference.
fibfab3301 said:
This is going to be very "heavy" or at least from my research and my own batches of changa. Everyone reacts/has different tolerance levels to harmalas. some people it only takes a little to get a good effect, i am one of those people. others it takes quite a bit more. i would start slow. you can always add more. i believe when i made my batch i did. half a gram of spice half a gram of leaf and .125g of extracted vine alks. perfect balance for myself. i plan on making a a tad heavier batch in the future
So a 1:1:.25. Less caapi in other words. This is my first time making and smoking and have only just barely touched the spice. I certainly dont want heavy. I held off making it last night so as to get a tad more info and also I will have some more time this afternoon. Also I am using straight caapi leaves not extracted vine. I have also seen ratios of .5:1 and .25:1 DMT to leaf. I thought leaf was the herb and the caapi(which is leaf in my case). I had not realized the caapi was harmalas. Thats where I am confused. I am not sure what percentage of caapi leaf to use . What would a good ratio of dmt:mullein:caapi leaf be for a medium to stronger batch. It will be all beginners trying it so I dont want to go all out but I do want to impress also.
ok so one sticky says 50 percent dmt by volume max. 25-40% being not so strong. And at least 25% caapi leaf. Now to brush up on my math. Edit: So the next sticky down "The Art of Changa, a guide to making the perfect blends" suggests a 1:1:1 ratio as being a generally accepted ratio. So is that strong or not. One poster says it would be strong yet the tek says its a generally accepted ratio. :?
Then I read statements like this further down the tek. "After 8 years of changa research and consume i can say that i prefer mixes without harmala, blue lotus and mullein. And even would leave out the caapi this days " SO IS CAPPI LEAF A HARMALA OR NOT? I keep reading contradictory statements such as the one above. If I do 350mg of dmt and 500mg mullein and 250mg caapi would this be a changa? Does the caapi leaf count as harmala? IS CAAPI LEAF HARMALA? The more I read the more I get confused. the above mixture is what I intend to do if I dont have any suggestions to the contrary. errrrrrrrrrrrrr! Edit: now this "You don't need harmalas to make Changa, only caapi leaf and/or vine. " I thought caapi was harmalas. Anyway no time left, I'm off to get some 151 everclear(no 190 sold here) and mix up some stuff. I would still appreciate any info.
The ratio that i've used all these years has been the same - 1g dmt:1g herb-mix:250-300mg harmala freebase.

At this ratio for me the harmalas don't impart too much onto the dmt experience, though they potentiate/slow of breakdown of dmt to a degree, and imo/ime it's been failproof for me in terms of going deep; could be other factors as well, though contrasting the freebase dmt experience to this changa blend - there's not much difference at all that I can note, aside from the experience being slightly slower [though everybit as intense as fb, if not moreso].

And for a person that doesn't finish the dose in 1-2 big hits typically and takes 3-5 hits - this ratio of harmalas to dmt tends to open up that initial time window of tokes - meaning it extends that initial window of opportunity right in the beginning when you start taking the tokes, so instead of the shorter initial window of freebase dmt you get an extended window due to this ratio of harmalas to dmt.

So 250-300mg harmalas per 1g dmt is what i've always done. A few other members here I know also use this ratio.

Look into 'easy caapi vine alkaloid extraction' by gibran2 for freebase harmalas [you can also use his tek on rue seeds and it works out very well ime].
the thing is, the harmalas I am using is caapi leaf. I only have caapi leaf, mullein and dmt freebase and need/will be making this changa soon. As in a few hours at most. So my harmalas is leaf. I dont have harmalas freebase. I am trying to ask what ratio of dmt freebase to caapi leaf to mullein leaf. In my best judgement I figure I will use 400mg of dmt, 400mg of mullien and 200mg of caapi. That is almost the 25% harmalas I understand should be used as a mimimum for changa per the changa tek quoted in above post. also is 40% dmt/volume which I understand would/should be quite strong. Just a tad more than the same amount of leaf vs dmt as someone here suggested. It is also half leaf and half dmt with the harmalas added. Its hard to even figure out if dried caapi leaf is considered harmalas. Even with a direct question. I have been online for 5+hours reading about this just today and its about 50-50 on weather or not caapi leaf is harmalas or if caapi leaf is just leaf with harmalas being added later. I am going on the assumption that dried caapi leaf is harmalas and therefore I am thinkin that 25% should be caapi leaf and 50% should be dmt. The remaining percentage being 25% which is what I was originally going to use mullien for. Hence the 500mg dmt, 250mg mullein leaf, 250mg caapi that I originally said I was going to use. Thats a quarter harmalas, half dmt(which is what I understand to be a correct mixture). Its also 50% dmt and 50% leaf. However I was told this would be quite strong which I dont really want. I dont want weak either. Seems no one can answer if caapi leaf is harmalas or leaf or both(Ive read that it is and is not several times). **I am just looking for suggestions as to the ratio of dmt: dried caapi leaf(not extract):mullein leaf.** would also like to figure out if dried caapi leaf is harmalas or not. Either way I will be making the above combo. Weather or not it is changa or infused leaf is just a matter of terminology I suppose. I want changa but no time to distinguish. Must make tonight. Whatever it should be called I hope it makes some folks happy with the gift.
Caapi leaf contains a percentage of harmala alkaloids. They are not made of 100% alkaloids! If you want there to be a significant harmala component to your changa, you'll have to add more caapi leaf relative to your DMT. Or extract yourself some harmala alkaloids somehow.

Take it easy!
cool, so technically I would just be making enhanced leaf if I do a roughly 50% dmt, 25% dried caapi leaf, and 25% dried mullein leaf in an iso/ipa infusion? In other words, I am not going to get the changa effect as opposed to dmt freebase/infused leaf if I dont add alot more mao in terms of an extract/freebase? Considering I only have mullein, and caapi leaf what would be a good ratio to do an ipa infusion with dmt?

You are way over thinking it, my friend. Most of us here have experimented with different ratios after finding what works best for ourselves and fine tuning it from there. I personally use pretty much the same ratio that Tatt mentioned above.

But you don't have freebase harmala alkaloids? That's okay! Just go ahead and make your mix and test it out. If you are not getting the desired results, look into making 10x caapi leaf, which is stronger than plain caapi because you infuse 100 grams of caapi into 10, and then use that as your leaf/harmalas for changa.

Infused leaf = DMT + herb and no harmalas/MAOI/RIMA of any sort

Changa = DMT + Leaf + Harmalas of some sort (caapi, freebase harmalas from Syrian Rue, etc. etc.)

With some patience and experimentation, you'll figure out your blend. Since you are planning on sharing this with people, be mindful that this is one of the most mind bending psychedelics in existence, and should never be taken lightly. Don't rush it! It is worth the wait!


Good luck!
I hear you there and always warn folks and tell them to do their homework etc... I also dont just give this to anyone. I've been looking into it for over a decade and have smoked freebase. Just not sure about the harmalas deal and changa. First time with that. I figured I was over thinking it. I'm highly detailed and always ask lots of questions but I tend to know my shit when all is said and done. Thanks for the reply.
be mindful that this is one of the most mind bending psychedelics in existence, and should never be taken lightly

well said, I will use that quote. I tell folks that when you are ready it will find you. certainly plan on making it clear that this is a profound drug that can have life lasting implications. I respect the spice.
abrahamx said:
cool, so technically I would just be making enhanced leaf if I do a roughly 50% dmt, 25% dried caapi leaf, and 25% dried mullein leaf in an iso/ipa infusion?


abrahamx said:
In other words, I am not going to get the changa effect as opposed to dmt freebase/infused leaf if I dont add alot more mao in terms of an extract/freebase? Considering I only have mullein, and caapi leaf what would be a good ratio to do an ipa infusion with dmt?

You might get some residual effect from the minute amount of caapi leaf, but most likely not enough to notice. So yeah you can look at this blend as enhanced leaf more or less. And the ratio's up to you. 50/50 caapi/mullein, or use less caapi and more mullein ..or vice versa. Comes down to personal tastes and experimentation.
Well thanks for putting up with my questions. I finally made up a concoction of 500mg dmt, 300mg mullein, 300mg cappi leaf x 1,mixed in to some 20ml of 91% isopropyl alcohol which I warmed up by putting my container(tall shot glass) of iso in a warm water bath. Probably could have used half the amount of iso. Just finished and I am now waiting for mother nature to evaporate for me. Hope all works out well. With this mix what would a good medium dose be?

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