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Changa stronger than DMT

Migrated topic.

Jambo Bwana

Rising Star
Just had someone tell me Changa was stronger and lasted longer than DMT.

I instantly challenged that, as it wasn't my experience and certainly went against anything I'd read or heard.

The fellow told me it depended on the herb and strength of infusion.

Find it hard to believe and obviously it'd be difficult to measure but has anyone tried Changa that they considered stronger than a full DMT breakthrough trip?
Why wouldn't Changa be stronger or at least as strong as DMT? Maybe if you kept the DMT dosage more recreational Changa would be weaker, but proper Changa in my view is just as powerful as DMT, assuming you're using good dosages. Not only can the DMT be the same strength, but it's lengthened in duration, and can be smoked on for as ever long as one wants, and the more Harmalas you use the more potentiated the DMT becomes. Sure there's the slower/stretched out onset/come up compared to the onset/come up of smoked pure DMT, but as far as intensity and power and the overall experience and content goes? Changa is extremely rich and is in no way weaker than pure DMT, when done right. But because Changa can be more user-friendly than pure DMT, one can have a gentler onset/come up, or smoother experience, or can work one's way into things, or can add other herbs to the mix as well. Changa is imo in every way, way better than pure DMT.
Another note I should've mentioned before, but, bear in mind, harmalas potentiate DMT, hence a good blend that has x amount of DMT in a dose will be a stronger experience generally than the same dose of DMT on its own.

One love
Another note I should've mentioned before, but, bear in mind, harmalas potentiate DMT, hence a good blend that has x amount of DMT in a dose will be a stronger experience generally than the same dose of DMT on its own.

I always had a different feeling. But also maybe it would make sense to clarify the situation more:

Does it mean 20 mg changa are as strong as 20 mg spice (Claim?)

If it is on a weight based scala like there then I would totally say no ... 20 mg changa contains only 8-12 mg spice depending on person, but I would say that is from most recipes. So then of course you have the MAOI but in my opinion they only prolong the experience and dont really increase the intensity.
So 8-12 mg vs. 20 mg I'm pretty sure the pure spice is much stronger.

Next possibility:

Does it mean 40 mg (50%) changa (=20 mg spice) are as strong as 20 mg spice (Claim?)

Then I would say yes that should roughly be at the same strength. As I said the MAOI mostly prolong the experience (in my experience) and dont add much to the actual intensity. So in this case it would roughly be the same strength.

But everything of course based on my believes ... still those MAOI seem more to just extend the experience and prolong it, making it easier to get into. Not causing X amount of spice suddenly feel like Y instead.
Haven't read the whole thing because I have to go back yo work, but what I mean is 20mg of freebase DMT on it's own will likely be a milder experience of a dose of changa that has 20mg of DMT in it.

And for me, harmalas actually potentiate, which also increases the intensity.

One love

I'm not sure what ratios you're using on your blends, but intensity may increase if you add more harmalas.
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