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Changa vs. DMT+harmala freebase

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
Are there any substantial differences in effect? For example, does a vaporized combination of DMT, harmine, and THH approximate the effects of changa?
I've infused some pau with spice and harmala. It come no where close to the effects that I get from caapi leaf changa.

There is somthing really special with caapi.
gammagore said:
I've infused some pau with spice and harmala. It come no where close to the effects that I get from caapi leaf changa.

There is somthing really special with caapi.

SWIM finds these responses very interesting...
Dorge said:
gammagore said:
I've infused some pau with spice and harmala. It come no where close to the effects that I get from caapi leaf changa.

There is somthing really special with caapi.

SWIM finds these responses very interesting...

I do too. What’s in caapi leaf other than the major alkaloids that might be responsible?
This is the problem with this kind of perspective IMHO: You want to break it all down into alkaloids. It's not that easy. There really is a guiding spirit that knows hyperspace better than we do embedded in the plant material of caapi. This is what it's told me, shown me, over and over, through countless experiments.

The only way for you to understand is to see for yourself!
۩ said:
This is the problem with this kind of perspective IMHO: You want to break it all down into alkaloids. It's not that easy. There really is a guiding spirit that knows hyperspace better than we do embedded in the plant material of caapi. This is what it's told me, shown me, over and over, through countless experiments.

The only way for you to understand is to see for yourself!
Yes, I’ve already placed an order for caapi leaf. :)
۩ said:
The caapi spirit is much more than just chemicals. You'll have to try it and see for yourself. I think it's a lot different.

She really is a guiding spirit. I take caapi before I go to bed at night and she shows me things that I need to know. Important things.

I do not know of a US supplier for caapi leaf. I have, however, a bag of shredded caapi vine. Have any of you used this in your changa mix? How does it compare to leaf? Thanks!

gibran2 said:
Dorge said:
gammagore said:
I've infused some pau with spice and harmala. It come no where close to the effects that I get from caapi leaf changa.

There is somthing really special with caapi.

SWIM finds these responses very interesting...

I do too. What’s in caapi leaf other than the major alkaloids that might be responsible?

the way I see it is, it's like the difference between taking aya and doing pharma. Pharma is great, so is aya, but aya has tha special feeling, healing. Pure spice is just pure power, enhanced leaf does give it's own propery's, visuals, colors and so on. Caapi changa has that guiding hand.

I like to hit the pau/spice/harmala first, then when I'm ready I got with the caapi changa.

I soooo love my caapi changa.
Nothing compares to caapi really...almost to the point where I think pharmahuasca should be calles pharma-something else if its not made with caapi extracts.

there is no ayahuasca without the caapi..she is the queen..I never saw her when I drank with rue..and I prefer caapi in my tea.

I used to smoke rue alot..but it differed from caapi..both are they're own things..
fractal enchantment said:
Nothing compares to caapi really...almost to the point where I think pharmahuasca should be calles pharma-something else if its not made with caapi extracts

I agree with house... i do think thought that extracts from the plant carry the essence of the plant as well... I also think that chemicals themselves are spirits, other than human persons so to speak... chemical people... chemical teachers... the challenge is however that it is easier for US to relate to a plant then it is a chemical... but once you learn how to relate to chemicals as one would plants or human people... that sort of changes things.
Tried many batches using crude caapi extracts, crude rue extracts, and 'pure' harmine, harmaline, and thh extracts in all combinations and permutations. TBH, have not really noticed differences worth documenting beyond the obvious variation between harmaline heavy mixes and thh heavy mixes. The various herbs that all of this is put on makes more of a difference than the source of the harmalas IMO.
Dorge said:
but once you learn how to relate to chemicals as one would plants or human people... that sort of changes things.

I find this interesting, as my first experience with a healing spirit came from LSD. Even though I started with mushrooms, they did not "introduce" themselves until after I had gotten familiar with LSD as a distinct character.

I haven't had the same sense of "personhood" from pure harmalas, or from rue, though I hear some people do.

Be well.
freethinker said:
TBH, have not really noticed differences worth documenting beyond the obvious variation between harmaline heavy mixes and thh heavy mixes.

this is what swims interested in... can swiy go into more detail about that?

on personhood and chemicals...
its a really interesting subject, and it goes fairly deep?
Swim thinks that peoples beliefs can truly limit their experiences. for instance many people will use a plant as a tool and that is the type of relationship dynamic that they will get out of it.

After many years of experimenting, what do most changa veterans prefer? 10x Caapi leaf or harmala extract changa?

I will be making my first batch very soon, in fact as soon as i can decide which route to take. I'm very excited to finally try it out. I wonder if I should just combine the two (caapi leaf and extracts).
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