Nothing Stops The Void
Have you tried including lowdoses of Nightshades in your Changa Mix ?
I know it is listed in the Smokeys Changa Threas , but I dont think many have tried it up to now.
Am I right ?
Smoking 3 Datura Seeds is also very possible .
SWIM knows first hand that 3 orally taken Datura Seeds potentiate Mescaline Lowdoses.
Smoking Datura Seeds /Leaves Experience Overview : Datura - Erowid Exp - 'Extensive Datura Overview'
Does it potentiate the Spice ? SWIM says he wants to find out whether this ingredient could be worthwile or not .
From an Online Book on Herbal Smoking Mixtures
I know it is listed in the Smokeys Changa Threas , but I dont think many have tried it up to now.
Am I right ?
Brugmansia Flowers: Distinct other wordly character
Smoking 3 Datura Seeds is also very possible .
SWIM knows first hand that 3 orally taken Datura Seeds potentiate Mescaline Lowdoses.
Smoking Datura Seeds /Leaves Experience Overview : Datura - Erowid Exp - 'Extensive Datura Overview'
Does it potentiate the Spice ? SWIM says he wants to find out whether this ingredient could be worthwile or not .
http://almashriq.hiof.no/lebanon/900/910/919/joun/Datura-FAQ.txt said:Datura or Brugmansia is also known as an admixture to other shamanic
preparations. It has been said by some that the tropane alkaloids in the
daturas are potentiated by harmala alkaloids such as those found in
Banisteriopsis caapi. In the Peruvian Amazon Brugmansia is often added to a
brew of B. caapi to produce a tropane-ayahuasca. Similarly in the Peruvian
Andes shamans sometimes add Brugmansia to San Pedro cactus (Trichocerus sp.)
preparations known as cimora beverages. In India D. metel seeds are added to
the Cannabis bhang drink or smoked with Cannabis for added intoxication and
to simulate the union of Shiva, the male (Datura) principle, and Shakti, the
female (Cannabis) principle. In Tanganyika seeds are added to beer. It is
not recommended that any of these potentiating mixtures be undertaken
without the blessings of a well-adjusted shaman, and even then with
From an Online Book on Herbal Smoking Mixtures
Jimson Weed Seeds, Datura sp.
One good reason to smoke an herb as a preferred method of ingestion is regulation of dosage. You can smoke an herb that is very strong and regulate the dosage safety. The difference between medicine and poison is dosage. Many plants are too strong to take internally safely. If you take a tea, it may take half an hour or more before you can tell how strong of a dosage you took. At that point it is too late to take less. When you smoke an herb the effects or side effects become apparent quickly. If the herb doesn't agree with you, you can stop before overdosing.
Jimson weed is definitely a strong hallucinogen, poison, medicine any way you look at it. The dosage is all important. I do not recommend internal use of Datura without the guidance of a shaman. The use of Datura for a high by pimply adolescents looking for some fireworks is deplorable. Too many of them end up as newspaper reports. I personally know of people who have landed in the hospital for extended stays because of this plant.
Used in the proper dosages, Datura can be a very effective treatment for a variety of problems. Smoke the crushed seeds only. The seeds are the mildest part of the plant. Just a few puffs will anesthetize your throat and lungs. This could be very helpful with some lung problems. You will not feel psychological effects from this small a dosage. I have used this method of taking this herb and will guarantee that you will not get high from two puffs. This plant does not agree with some people. If you feel light headed or nauseous, then stop smoking it. No harm will be done.
In some oversea countries, you may find that the cigarettes still contain Datura leaf. Datura has been used as smoking mixtures in a variety of cultures. Generally this is for their hallucinogenic effect.