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Changa with pics

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
This was a first attempt to make Changa, so didn't remember to get all the pictures I wanted, but here's what SWIM did:
Prepared 3 small mason jars. One containing shredded, pulverized Caapi vine (white). One jar containing Calea Zacatechichi & Lemongrass. One jar containing Blue Lily & Damiana. Each Jar was filled with about 100ml of 99% IPA, and sealed to soak and extract for 30 days, shaken thoroughly every day.

After 30 days, the IPA was quite murky and opaque. A deep green on the Calea/Lemon and the Lily/Damiana. Light brown on the Caapi.
Using some cheese cloth, all the plant matter was removed, strained, and discarded. Notice how the plant matter lost much of its color saturation.

The jars were left to evaporate for a day or so.

Once the IPA evaporated by about 50%, SWIM added the new dry herb to each jar.

The Cappi vine extract was infused onto a few grams of Caapi leaf. (10x Caapi leaf)
The Blue Lily / Damian extract was infused onto Passion Flower and more Blue Lily. (Flower Power)
The Calea / Lemon extract was infused onto Mullein. (Bedtime Blend)

SWIM used a shot glass to carefully heat some IPA in a pot of hot water. Dissolved a generous amount of freebase into said shot glass, and added with the dry herb. The Caapi got a very small dose, about 10:1, just to give it some encouragement to ease a following dose. The Bedtime Blend got a decent amount, about 4:1, not enough to go into hyperspace, just enough to enhance the Calea effect. The Flower Power got the breakthrough dose, 1:1.
To be true Changa, I suppose SWIM would have to mix the Caapi into the Flower Power, although SWIM prefers to dose them separately.
Smoking a bowl of Enhanced Caapi, and then vaporizing a bowl of Flower Power is by far the most incredible, unimaginably beautiful, powerful, and STABLE integration SWIM has every experienced. This blend invites one into a realm of pure bliss and understanding. Singing, buzzing creatures are happy to teach one how to dock the physical body at will, to seamlessly transition into an astral body, and navigate through the infinity of though. One can choose to focus on the origin of thought, not only becoming aware of every moment before it happens, but using pure will power to create it. SWIM could find this frequency and push thoughts out of it, into existence.


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BLAST! How do I get the pictures into the post where I wanted them?
(img)1.jpg(/img) gives me the little question mark thumbnail…
substituting the [brackets] for (parenthesis) of course
Spirit_Seeker said:
SWIM used a shot glass to carefully heat some IPA in a pot of hot water. Dissolved a generous amount of freebase into said shot glass, and added with the dry herb. The Caapi got a very small dose, about 10:1, just to give it some encouragement to ease a following dose.

In my opinion this is a very good idea !
Spirit_Seeker said:
BLAST! How do I get the pictures into the post where I wanted them?
(img)1.jpg(/img) gives me the little question mark thumbnail…
substituting the [brackets] for (parenthesis) of course

This works only with urls, like:

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