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Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Just had one quick question about changa. I've made it before but was in a pinch and used oregano. It worked fine but I knew it wasn't considered changa. I have some caapi leaves coming soon and never put much thought in to anything else at the moment. Wanting to try a few different herbs by themselves with DMT before mixing a bunch together.

So my question would be making changa with only caapi and DMT be a good start? I'll be using isopropyl... And I was also thinking of making a x10 caapi to use for the infusion.

The only reason I'm concerned about this is because the typical mix is of the Ayahuasca android I seen named in the forum. I literally read through this entire thread tonight.... About 3 hours of reading and still wasn't convinced I didn't needed another herb for this mix. Problem is I don't have the funds to get anything else at the moment. Thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
You don't need any fancy herbs for changa...just leaf/DMT/MAOI of your choosing. So, DMT infused onto caapi leaf is perfect for changa.

I personally use DMT freebase and harmalas infused onto mullein for my changa, but to each their own.

The Grateful One said:
You don't need any fancy herbs for changa...just leaf/DMT/MAOI of your choosing. So, DMT infused onto caapi leaf is perfect for changa.

I personally use DMT freebase and harmalas infused onto mullein for my changa, but to each their own.


Good method here. I do very similar. :twisted:
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