Absent Thoughts
Rising Star
Hello everyone I have an on going case i'd like to speak of and let you guys in on some info i'm going through. I have a option of 4 years probation and admitting to manufacturing of the substance. Or jury trial possibly fail and get 15 years charged and felony. Honestly I don't know witch one to go with. I believe a jury of my peers would stand up if they heard it was being used legally in some churchs in North america. By the way i'm in south carolina/ (bible belt state). I honestly don't want to be on probation but the 15 year sentence scares the shit out of me. Most i've done is two or three days county jail before. So i'd like to hear your guys opinions on how i should handle this situation! please! i've already put so much money into lawyers and bailing out and being about to walk around free.. I just don't know what to do guys..