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Chat Room - Movie Night ???

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Had an idea for the community. A movie night/evening/morning in the chat.

Everyone meets in the chat room at a specific time and we all watch the movie at the same time. either DVD/Bluray,torrent,streamed, etc. We'll all hit play at the same time with the chat open and a bowl of popcorn.

I was thinking a good first movie would be Blade Runner. Any inputs on time of day or what days? I was thinking that Something like late Saturday evening stateside?
CosmicLion said:
Is hipster popcorn acceptable?

Like air-popped then sprayed with grapeseed oil or coconut oil... tossed with salt, pepper, nutritional yeast, and a HINT of garlic\onion\herb powders?
Any input on times? I was thinking something like 4-7pm for the stateside, around 00:00 UTC so that it's not too late for our european friends.

EDIT: Forgot that my idea was to watch Blade Runner - The Final Cut (2007) for the first chatroom viewing.

User nononononono has informed me that it is available on youtube for renting as well if you're one of those land lubber's who refuses to sail under a skull and crossbones.
OrionFyre said:
User nononononono has informed me that it is available on youtube for renting as well if you're one of those land lubber's who refuses to sail under a skull and crossbones.

I get sea sick too easily!
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