I have heard and read a few times in various places that little children (under the age of 3) are still connected in a way with other dimensions. And when they play with their 'imaginary friends' these friends may actually be not so imaginary but from this hidden (astral, hyperspace, you name it) world.
There are theories about DMT and other entheogens sort of connecting people with this inner world. So I wanted to ask if anybody who had taken DMT or similar substances near little children (not that I would recommend doing this; I'm just curious) saw any of these entities and children interacting (playing, speaking...) with each other?
There are theories about DMT and other entheogens sort of connecting people with this inner world. So I wanted to ask if anybody who had taken DMT or similar substances near little children (not that I would recommend doing this; I'm just curious) saw any of these entities and children interacting (playing, speaking...) with each other?