For about a year now I've been using a regular water-pipe with a "Brillo" stuffed tightly in the bowl to vaporize DMT, like "The Machine", But using a water-pipe instead of a broken bottle.
It has always worked great, smoothest & easiest way to smoke DMT I've used!!
I have read, and posted in threads discussing this method a number of times and many people have mentioned using either "Brillo" or "Chore Boy" steel scouring pads to melt the spice into, for vaporizing.
I have always used the small pieces of "Brillo" that one can purchase at most head shops around here, but always assumed "Chore Boy" was the same thing.
I was at the supermarket the other day and saw a box of "Chore Boy" steel scouring pads there, so I bought it. Thinking that I would never need to buy it at a head shop again, which always makes me feel like a crackhead.
Well I've tried using it, twice now and both times it definitely did not work the same!!
First, It just felt thinner, lighter, or less dense, or something.
Second, It seems to fucking burn at a much lower temp than "Brillo" does.
Just when I would get the "Chore Boy" (steel mesh) hot enough to start getting good DMT vapor, the shit would start to burn and fuck it all up!!!
Gross Steel SMOKE, instead of smooth DMT vapor!!
Ouch & Yuck!!!
I only tried it the second time because I thought that maybe I fucked it up & burned it, by getting the flame too close, or something.
But No, "Chore Boy" burns, instead of getting hot enough to vaporize DMT!!
So Watch Out!!
I did not get enough spice vaporized either time to get much more than a threshold effects.
It would start burning before the DMT would vaporize, which in turn, burned the DMT as well!! SHIT!!
Just thought I'd better let others know, it did not make my lungs feel very good at all!!
When I use "Brillo", it gets almost red hot, but does not burn.
So it vaporizes the DMT very clean, smooth & efficiently!!
It has always worked great, smoothest & easiest way to smoke DMT I've used!!
I have read, and posted in threads discussing this method a number of times and many people have mentioned using either "Brillo" or "Chore Boy" steel scouring pads to melt the spice into, for vaporizing.
I have always used the small pieces of "Brillo" that one can purchase at most head shops around here, but always assumed "Chore Boy" was the same thing.
I was at the supermarket the other day and saw a box of "Chore Boy" steel scouring pads there, so I bought it. Thinking that I would never need to buy it at a head shop again, which always makes me feel like a crackhead.
Well I've tried using it, twice now and both times it definitely did not work the same!!
First, It just felt thinner, lighter, or less dense, or something.
Second, It seems to fucking burn at a much lower temp than "Brillo" does.
Just when I would get the "Chore Boy" (steel mesh) hot enough to start getting good DMT vapor, the shit would start to burn and fuck it all up!!!
Gross Steel SMOKE, instead of smooth DMT vapor!!
Ouch & Yuck!!!
I only tried it the second time because I thought that maybe I fucked it up & burned it, by getting the flame too close, or something.
But No, "Chore Boy" burns, instead of getting hot enough to vaporize DMT!!
So Watch Out!!
I did not get enough spice vaporized either time to get much more than a threshold effects.
It would start burning before the DMT would vaporize, which in turn, burned the DMT as well!! SHIT!!
Just thought I'd better let others know, it did not make my lungs feel very good at all!!
When I use "Brillo", it gets almost red hot, but does not burn.
So it vaporizes the DMT very clean, smooth & efficiently!!