Esteemed member
Loveall said:So, if I understand your steps, in both cases you needed to triturate the goo/glue with fresh solvent AND some mescaline citrate.
Right, both jars with trituration and M citrate. I regret not waiting longer with trituration only to keep that isolated test-wise...
Loveall said:I think a big difference between your goo run and previous good xtalization runs is going to be mescaline concentration in your EA. Let us know your yields and amount of solvent you were Xtalizing from please.
Let's just say my 'good xtalization' runs are not going to help much there haha. My track record has not been great so far honestly, learning experience and powder potency. I also haven't been accurately measuring my final extract total volume just eyeing between the lines on the mason jars. I may have had one other high water botched run I didn't note below.
100g PC powder 0mg yield (botched it, tons of water in paste)
20g PC powder ~10mg yield 0.05% (didn't measure it before failed re-X attempt)
(~200mL final EA in salting jar)
22g PC22 powder 0mg yield (botched it, CA accidently waaay over 50g/ml limit -_- )
20g PC8 powder ~15mg yield 0.075%
(140~150mL final EA in salting jar)
14g bridgeLEE powder goo 623mg yield 4.45%
(~140mL final EA in salting jar when goo formed, 60mL fresher added to arrive
at 200mL mark before crystallization occured. To reiterate, the separated goo in
small jar had fresh 60mL, then decanted for another fresh 60mL current)
[Edit: EA estimates]
[Edit2: bridgesii LEE yield]