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Citalopram and psilocybin

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I'm growing my first batch of mushrooms in preparation for my first psychedelic experience. I'm currently taking citalopram (10mg) but I have been told by a friend that I need to come off this before trying the mushrooms in order to avoid serotonin syndrome. Can anyone tell me how long should I wait between stopping the citalopram and taking the shrooms? Thanks x
Serotonin Syndrome is unlikely here. Most likely what would happen is that the mushrooms would simply have diminished effects. However, caution is advised. 2 weeks off of the SSRI should be enough time to avoid any problems.
Jupitor said:
Serotonin Syndrome is unlikely here. Most likely what would happen is that the mushrooms would simply have diminished effects. However, caution is advised. 2 weeks off of the SSRI should be enough time to avoid any problems.
:thumb_dow: Read up before you post. You cant just quit SSRI out of the blue without messing yourself up. And with quitting them comes relapse depression.

Dont mix em. Period. Dont mix any sertonergic pharmaceuticals with serotonergic drugs.
In this case the serotonine is actually not the "killer" but rather the drowsyness. SSRI dont have extreme interactions with mushies compared with MDMA.
As you know shrooms can be very sedating.
Combined with citalopram you will probably get knocked out with little to no effects.
And with no effects i mean you could have just as well eaten normal mushrooms in a stir fry.

Now the thing is you could have more wonky interactions that are not known...
Dont cold turkey the citalopram. Rather dry and freeze the shrooms and wait for a better time. When you are off the citalopram without having to force quit it.
No need for the alarmist attitude.

SSRI's are known to diminish the effects of psychedelics because they have to compete with the excess serotonin in the synapse to bind to the (downregulated) receptors, but the interaction is in no way dangerous. You may need a slightly higher dose than someone not taking an SSRI, and effects may never be quite as pronounced, but you can still eat your shroomies just fine.

Always consult your prescribing physician before discontinuing or changing doses of your medication.
Ulim said:
Jupitor said:
Serotonin Syndrome is unlikely here. Most likely what would happen is that the mushrooms would simply have diminished effects. However, caution is advised. 2 weeks off of the SSRI should be enough time to avoid any problems.
:thumb_dow: Read up before you post. You cant just quit SSRI out of the blue without messing yourself up. And with quitting them comes relapse depression.

Dont mix em. Period. Dont mix any sertonergic pharmaceuticals with serotonergic drugs.
In this case the serotonine is actually not the "killer" but rather the drowsyness. SSRI dont have extreme interactions with mushies compared with MDMA.
As you know shrooms can be very sedating.
Combined with citalopram you will probably get knocked out with little to no effects.
And with no effects i mean you could have just as well eaten normal mushrooms in a stir fry.

Now the thing is you could have more wonky interactions that are not known...
Dont cold turkey the citalopram. Rather dry and freeze the shrooms and wait for a better time. When you are off the citalopram without having to force quit it.

I did "read up". Besides, I didn't tell her to mix them. And I didn't even tell her to quit her SSRI. She just asked how much time off it would take for the SSRI to not have an effect on the mushroom experience. And I also told her that Serotonin Syndrome is unlikely here regardless... which it is.

Wouldn't be good to jump into a psychedelic experience worried about whether or not you might actually die from it, right? That would make for one bad trip. Don't create a problem where there is none. 10mg of citalopram daily is a very low dosage. If she wants to stop, cold turkey is probably fine. But a doctor's consultation is always advised when changing or stopping one's meds.
Thank you beautiful people. Great I'll do 2 weeks off the citalopram before I hit the shrooms. And thanks for the concern - I'll be careful when coming off the medication. With love xxx
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