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cleaning salvia extract for cleaner experiance...

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Ive found that the dark colored crap on salvia extracts 10 x..20x.. 40x and higher can be removed for a more mellow cleaner experiance reducing headaches after the experiance...

How i do this is to use a small shot glass or any other small glass contaner and put one dose or the whole batch of enhanced salvia into it then add enough grain alcohol to cover the material..

I then will stir the material once and a while and let it sit ..

The first time i did this ..i let it sit and soak overnight as an experiment.. i was trying to remove the actives in the leafe material to store as a tincture...

But I found later after pouring off the dirty darkened alcohol and letting the now cleaned green leaf particles dry ... I was expecting to find the leaf particles void of salvorian A ...but to
my surprise!.. after drying...i found the bright green leaf was still very potent!!

And smoking it it was far cleaner.. and mellower.. experiance for me at least on a small dose...

I think this is a simple efective way to wash the solvents from this stuff to have a cleaner still potent product...

Plus ...The soaking [MAY] work as quickly as a couple hours? ...i havent tryed it that way yet...

give it a try if you want a cleaner product!:thumb_up:
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