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Clear Creek

Migrated topic.


Earth Child
Quite a mystical spot in Arizona. 53 miles out of Flagstaff and another 10-12 miles on rocky ol' logging roads.

I saw a very amazing feat of nature that I am still trying to figure out. As you can see in the picture, and old alligator juniper is vice gripping a Ponderosa pine, and literally crushing the tree. Yet the pine tree still struggles on, even though it has no hope of surviving the attack. The juniper tree has actually begun to wrap around the ponderosa as well, almost as if it is closing in on it. Very strange. Sometimes I wonder of the trees are much more complex then "science" has "proven".

The alligator juniper is truly an amazing tree, I have seen some that have had the cambium burned out from numerous fires, yet they still survive and thrive. Sometimes they do even better after a fire comes through. Living longer then 500 years, these trees have a very special "feel" to them as well. I encourage you all to lay against one and experience what I mean. Truly the "mother" of the juniper family.


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Clear Creek is awesome! We usually go swimming at different spots down there in the summer. Are you from AZ or just passing through? Arizona is beautiful place, stuffed to the brim with magical wilderness.
I have always wanted to do the 3-5 day hike through West Clear Creek down to Sedona. I hear dozens of those miles are wading and swimming through the canyon. Gotta bring an intertube to float your pack for the long swims.
Anyway, I love Arizona and +1 for Clear Creek!
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