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Coatl is this good pachanoi?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
hey dude!

i just tested out the pachanoi which had grown at my window for about 10 years. it didnt have any water in a long time.

after preperation i had about 6 grams of powder which tasted VERY VERY bitter.

i took 2.77 grams of it at around 6. about one hour later i felt very alert. i went to a party with some friends who all drink alcohol.. which i dont. they left the party at about 2 in the morning. i stayed. i went home at around 7 in the morning after a lot of dancing. i had smoked a few joints over the night. also a big fat salvia joint which really got me laughing my ass off. when i came home i was still awake and couldnt sleep. i watched one flew over the cocoos nest and tried to puff myself to bed with weed. it took about 1.5 gram of good weed to get me to bed. i vaporized through the whole movie. i fell asleep at around 10 and woke up again at 2. not a trace of tiredness. only the weed put me to sleep.. otherwise i couldn't have. i was very euphoric the whole night by the way and i had pupils like flying saucers.

tell me.. is this good pachanoi? is it normal to be active at lower than 3g? it was 1 tablespoon.

this is neat! i will never even think of extracting again.
Damn, I forgot to mention stressing!

Stressing can vastly increase potency!

This sounds like a fairly good clone, I'd imagine you got 100-200mg of mescaline if it keep you up that long.

A word of advice for anybody doing cactus, take it in the morning! It last allll day!

Pics always help!

Can you tell me anything more about it?

Do you have a pic?
i'll make some pics when i come back from holiday. i am about to leave.

what to you mean by stressing? not giving it any water? or damaging it slightly?

i thought about doing some in mid day. like around 1 or 2 o clock.. that way i will be able to go to bed at a reasonable time. this is gonna be my new party thing. its very nice for staying up long and dancing all night.
this is neat! i will never even think of extracting again.
Yup there's just no need if you have potent cacti!

what to you mean by stressing? not giving it any water? or damaging it slightly?

Yes. Both.

i thought about doing some in mid day. like around 1 or 2 o clock.. that way i will be able to go to bed at a reasonable time.

Ya that's what I normally do.

this is gonna be my new party thing. its very nice for staying up long and dancing all night.

Well I'd prefer if it was your new "telephone to God" but to each his own... it is good for staying up all night and getting moving and being hyper. It's like the MDMA or the natural world... to me cactus is like doing 'Shrooms + MDMA :)
SWIM cant wait for his cacti to come..hes gonna make a nice LARGE garden of cacti...hes getting Trichocereus terscheckii, bridgesii, peruvianus, SS01 x Juul's Giant - Trichocereus Hybrid and some other peruvianus hybrids..once he finds the potent ones..here comes the propagation!!
im happy to see you hyperspace travelers taking on a familiar hobby

grow the green goodness guys!!!

to lorax, about 1 tablespoon is like the dosage of one ecstasy roll (im aware they very, especially when it comes to the potency of you tablespoon)

if it was stressed, no water and odd growth patterns chances are you scored a better night than your standard saturated fat pachanoi,
you can easily tell if they are stressed, they have blemishes and whatnot, not to mention peeling is a true bitch.

generally i take about 15 grams of pachanoi for a mild threshold experience, this is predominant cultivator im referring too of course

the weight also depends on how much of the white layer you include, or lack thereof (i cut past the green into the white until it becomes translucent and i can still make out the green, if the bottom of your chips are solid/mostly white, id say cut a lil thinner mates, the emetic value is highest in the whit) , how dry it is (obviously water weighs it down a load) so i choose to use a great shamanic device called, the dehydrator (wish i knew where it was, got 15 more to peel and prep), then take your chips to another great shamanic device called, a coffee grinder (only do this before dosing, as it may release alkaloids to degrade some, not too sure though)

a good time to take it is around 3 for me, though ive been going at it around 7, no later

also if you have more than a tablespoon, i recommend you split your doses up to consume it all within 30-45 min depending upon how receptive you wants gods telephone to be (kudos coatl)

Im really happy that yall are vesting an interest here!!! this is my most familliar entheogen so far, followed by shrooms and LSA

its always a good time with the benevolent cacti!

*coatl taught me most of what i know, biological portion atleast, about the south american sacramnet*

best of vibes to all that try
if it dosent work the first time, go at it again! i forget who im talkin to...

Thank you for that awesome and informative post suicybe!

Suicybe is himself a master "San Pedro" shaman.

He peels cacti faster than any other man I've met!
SWIM cant wait for his cacti to come..hes gonna make a nice LARGE garden of cacti...hes getting Trichocereus terscheckii, bridgesii, peruvianus, SS01 x Juul's Giant - Trichocereus Hybrid and some other peruvianus hybrids..once he finds the potent ones..here comes the propagation!!

Thats exactly what you should do!
yeah well.. my telephone to god is the elfdust. i might also use the pedrophone.. but at the moment i just don't have enough. so i split up the little i have to "alertness doses". i still have 1 dose left and i am using this to win a bet. somebody who will be drinking lots of alcohol this weekend made a bet with me over 50 euros that he will stay awake longer than me. hahahaha... that person has never taken anything else but alcohol. he will not know that i will be doping myself. if i drop some mushrooms near the end of the pedrotrip i will stay awake even longer. and at the end of the mushrooms i can still take some kanna to push me up once more. my guess is that i probably wouldnt even need to take the cacti for that purpose. probably just staying off the weed would result in me being awake much longer than he is ;)

that way i will once and for all prove to him that alcohol isn't a good party drug! it wastes you much too soon.
yeah.. i oughtta try that out! my problem is that MAOi usuall tend to make me kinda sleepy. i always feel as if i need to lie down. when smoking cannabis on MAOi i get REALLY tired!
a master shaman eh?
quite a flattering comment coatl

id agree that mixing maois or ssris would not be the best concept, especially for a bar bet IMHO

taking cactus to win a bet man? i hope you are joking, but it still strikes a sour nerve in me, i just dont feel the holy phone should be used to keep others on hold, ya digg?

you are probably much more experienced than i but from what i know i ask you this

is your intent honorable?
what is to gain, surely not 50 euros?

please dont abuse this gift, i know im being sentimental, but
its like making a your momma joke, when my momma is dead...

i hope that my message is recieved in the light it is given, of love and respect
i apologize now for any negative energies that this post may bring

best of luck to you man,
i have no problem abusing cacao though :)
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