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Color photos from LIFE Magazine - Third Reich

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
No, I don't have the views of a racially oriented national socialist...
Here are some color photos taken by 'LIFE Magazine' from the era...

LIFE photos of Hitler's Germany

Everything ends better with a BANG!
It makes it kinda surreal with color pictures...

ohayoco said:
The evil-Dan-Dare mobile building truck thing is crazy. It has a truck welded into each side!

Haha, I was staring at the truck on the side as was like, WTF ? Really ?

Must of had some fun toys being Das Führer
smokeydaze said:
Man... that guy really knew how to draw a crowd.
Yeah, the mind boggles. You wouldn't think of it to look at him... he looks like a pervy uncle that the rest of the family keeps their children away from.

In fact I hear he was a bit of a pervy uncle- his sexual life involved scatting onto his underage cousin's chest! He was also a pseudo-pagan mystic, environmentalist, anti-visisection... yet didn't raise an eyebrow at enslaving and exterminating other races. Nationalist, socialist, faschist, extreme capitalist all at the same time. Probably the weirdest mix of ideologies ever found in one person. Almost makes me feel grateful for how boring our leaders are... not sure if I'd want to risk having another frustrated artist in power! :lol:

Fortunately the BNP don't have a brain cell between them. Their membership list has been leaked to the public yet again by a disgruntled member... lots of policemen and soldiers on that list, not many professionals but there were a few teachers and lawyers etc... hopefully they'll all lose their jobs now :d
ohayoco said:
In fact I hear he was a bit of a pervy uncle- his sexual life involved scatting onto his underage cousin's chest! He was also a pseudo-pagan mystic, environmentalist, anti-visisection... yet didn't raise an eyebrow at enslaving and exterminating other races. Nationalist, socialist, faschist, extreme capitalist all at the same time. Probably the weirdest mix of ideologies ever found in one person. Almost makes me feel grateful for how boring our leaders are... not sure if I'd want to risk having another frustrated artist in power!
Well, he was also very inspiring leader and very capable of doing the job (whatever that means) just like all of the world's history leaders (be it Alexander the Great, Jenkins khan, Attila, Napoleon, Lenin, Pol Pot - you name it). Note however, Hitler was not a fascist, Mussolini was fascist!

Compared to Hitler, all leaders or politicians of today are total pussies. Talk about inspiring, ha!

Hitler looks a lot like my grandfather. My grandfather even has the Hitler's 'stash. For this I do not think Hitler looks like a pervo - he looks more than a patriarchic figure to my eyes.
Maybe it was the sexy look in those days!

How do you know that all those leaders were inspiring? Some dictators rule by fear / brute force, not by inspiration, and I'd imagine at least a few of those in your list ruled that way.

Have you read War and Peace? I like that book- Tolstoy paints an anarchic picture of Napoleon as no greater than the rest of his army, simply listening to his generals and nodding his head then doing whatever was the general consensus. I see Tolstoy almost as the inventor of chaos theory in the way he describes societies. I don't know if that's how it really happened, but it reminds me of the father of a friend I have, who rose to be a super-rich captain of industry, and confided in his son that he had no idea what he was doing at the top and didn't feel any more qualified than any of his colleagues. I assume he was just put up there by others because people thought he played the part well. He prays every night that things will go well and that he won't mess up. Course, he is a good public speaker. Perhaps charisma and the competence to listen to advisors is all a leader needs.

Was Hitler really capable? The decision to turn on his then-ally Russia and leave England to prepare their army looks like one of the stupidest military decisions ever made. Apparently he could've squashed England and consolidated control of Europe, but instead he turned on a giant ally, an ally whose territory in any case was on the periphery geographically. I think his ego got in the way there. I don't understand how else he could do so well then suddenly make such an awful decision.
ohayoco said:
smokeydaze said:
Man... that guy really knew how to draw a crowd.
Yeah, the mind boggles. You wouldn't think of it to look at him... he looks like a pervy uncle that the rest of the family keeps their children away from.

In fact I hear he was a bit of a pervy uncle- his sexual life involved scatting onto his underage cousin's chest! He was also a pseudo-pagan mystic, environmentalist, anti-visisection... yet didn't raise an eyebrow at enslaving and exterminating other races. Nationalist, socialist, faschist, extreme capitalist all at the same time. Probably the weirdest mix of ideologies ever found in one person. Almost makes me feel grateful for how boring our leaders are... not sure if I'd want to risk having another frustrated artist in power! :lol:

Fortunately the BNP don't have a brain cell between them. Their membership list has been leaked to the public yet again by a disgruntled member... lots of policemen and soldiers on that list, not many professionals but there were a few teachers and lawyers etc... hopefully they'll all lose their jobs now :d
It's exactly their lack of functioning brain cells, that ensures their electoral succes. All of the joe-the-plumbers of this world can identify with them and they have easy sollutions to everything. The secret of the far right is their lack of intelligence. look how well it worked for the bush administration or ahmedinejad.

The famous IQ-bell curve shows that half of the population is dumb. A simmilar bell curve could be made for moral capabillities like empathy and since they both pretty much depend on a functioning brain there likely would be an overlap between the two.
So the thing to get to these dumb people is to say:"look, i know you don't understand this world, well neither do i. But if we work together we could simply do away with everything we don't understand, and if those damn intelectuals we both hate so passionately say that it won't be that simple, we do away with them as well. Aint that a good idea?".
That formula got bush his electoral succes as well as the BNP at the european elections. It's the secret key that opens every door.
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