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Compilation of Water: Groundwater problems, DIY cheap effective waterfiltration, discussions.

Migrated topic.


Software engineer
Senior Member
It is a sad time.

The water at this part of the planet is not clean.

The first layer of groundwater is contaminated and not drinkable.

The pipes in my village are rotten, so tapwater is usually brown or yellow.

Buying bottled water is incredibly expensive, there are most probably microplastics in it (companies store them outside on the sun a lot of the times) and it is terrible for our planet.

There was a nice well, but it's too dry lately so it stopped flowing and also new lab tests show it's also contaminated (40 meters deep)

I wanted to make a new Topic, to compile information and discuss about cleaning water, different filtration systems, peoples experiences or analysis of filtration systems.

And most specifically, Do It Yourself filtration systems that are very cheap, very effective, and the parts are easily made / can be easily acquired.

Right now I'm using a cheap filtration system that I've gotten from my mom. I'll visit the local store of water filtration systems and talk with the guy, and also try to make a few of them at home and keep the posts coming here.

The internet is incredible because it transfers information across the planet. Even though there are places where we can not ship water (we're mortals after all, huh) we can transfer information and might be they could make these systems themselves!


ps, water filter, clearin the yellow (on the left) to colorless (on the right)


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Sad to hear that, B612. Do you have more details about the nature of the groundwater contamination, as that would inform on the best types of treatment.

Here's a small list of treatments:
(The filter in your picture will typically use these first two)

activated carbon - most organics
ion exchange - what it says on the tin; depends on the ion exchange medium but can be used for excess nitrate, for example, and for reducing hardness
UV - bacteria; some organics
ozone - many organics including some pesticides and PAHs; bacteria
aeration - volatiles such as TBME and halogenated organic solvents, hydrogen sulfide, etc.
flocculants - colloidal iron and manganese; river particulates
biological treatment - e.g., denitrifying bacteria

Have you considered rainwater storage options?
The problem in the well is two fold

Nitrates from agriculture is one of the problems, and microorganisms from septic tanks.

Also a quick question, would ionized filtration also take out the good minerals such as magnesium?
If your ion exchange is only anionic (to remove nitrate) the magnesium (cations) should stay in solution. This is dependent on using the correct resin.
downwardsfromzero said:
If your ion exchange is only anionic (to remove nitrate) the magnesium (cations) should stay in solution. This is dependent on using the correct resin.

What about heavy metals or other potential metallic toxins?

Thank you btw, cool stuff you got here :D
Heavy metals would typically exist as cations so that makes things potentially more problematic. Ion exchange resins work on an equilibrium principle so using a magnesium-loaded resin would swap other cations for magnesium.

Have you had a full analysis done on your water? That would allow a more informed and directed approach to purification.
No full analysis, and let's stick with the most basic stuff we can get. In my condition and environment people can not realistically affoard such things.

Have you ever heard of using sand to clear such things, or making these filtration systems at home? I'm gonna try to read up about it, maybe test a few things out, and report back in two or so weeks.

Keep it going though, you're a goldmine of information thus far, !!!

edit : nice vid on the subject

Dropped this because I was away for a couple of weeks. I hope you've been able to make some progress.

Sand filters can clear out particulates and, depending on the exact type, can also reduce microbial load. Making one that can be regenerated and which will retain it's particle size differentiation requires specialised techniques. One such approach is the anthracite, sand and garnet filter. The components sort by density such that the coarser filter components will settle last, instead of first as in the case of a sand-only filter. These components might be affordable for a small collective but would perhaps only be worth your while if you were using river water or anything else with a high particulate load.

Denitrifying bacteria should be available through aquarium supplies.
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