DiMiTriX said:
yeah it seems some kind of peruvianus to me..so there's no bitterness?:? strange..
One on the left looks like a bridgesii to me, (last two cuttings you obtained).
I got three bridesii cuttings i planted last fall, out of the four i purchased, i made tea out of one, and the bottom half of the other three. All but one was bitter when i tasted the freshly cut bottom half.
So idk if that one is less potent, or what, it could be a # of factors. But the two others were bitter when i licked the cut i just made.
And your tbms look nice!!
Mine went on a pupping rampage starting last summer when i started giving them shultz liquid fertilizer. Since then they've thrown off tons of pups. One vertically, and the other more horizontally. But Nice growth none the less. ~8-10 new pups between the two tbm's i have, one type a, the other type b i assume since they grow so differently, one branching upwards, the other outwards horizontally.
Also gave me a ton of pups on my 18-22" bridgesii's i grew from seedlings when i started the nutes. A few have 3-4 pups that are ~3-5" in length right now. Will be nice come time to harvest the mother for tea/extraction.