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Converting ethanol extracted psilocybin into psilocin ph?

Migrated topic.


illudium Q-36
My understanding is that the man active of an ethanol extraction (or just dried fruits) is psilocybin.... but that the psilocin experience is more visual and different.

What we be a good procedure to convert the psilocybin to psilocin? I've read that lemon juice added to tea will convert it but I don't really get it enough to know how long the reaction takes to happen or what ph I need to reach.

I just don't want to waste any magic!

I realize that psilocybin is converted into psilocin in the body..but still I read reports that taking psilocin is a different experience.

Much thanks in advance.
I have read talk about just making a tea and just using heat alone... nothing to cite though. If you do try anything you should tell us about it.
the fruit powder/alcohol slurry is heated during the extraction process. Would adding lemon juice to the end product be of any benefit?

I've got plenty of material and I am driving to another state to get 190 everclear today (and to hit an awesome bar-b-que spot)

The shorter duration, faster onset and more visual experience that I've read a mainly psilocin dose provides sounds more like what I want to get out.

My fruits aren't snapping bone dry yet, so i probably won't get to it for a few days maybe next weekend.
benzyme said:
generally speaking, heat speeds up the rate of oxidation.
it may deprotonate (remove the hydrogen)

If the hydrogen is removed from psilocin whatcho got?
Ethanol acquired.

3 x 750ml bottles of Golden Grains Alcohol for just over $50.

I doubt to need this much for anything...but it's not legal to buy in my state. I figured I would stock up and maybe look back and see if there was anything else I had ever wanted to do with it.
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