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Cooking ayahuasca in a pressure cooker


Esteemed member
Hello, is it possible to cook ayahuasca in a pressure cooker to reduce the number of hours? Since doing normal is three times of three hours each

It’s possible yes, but I ditched it due to more sludge and tannins. I suspect more undesirables gets extracted as you effectively boil it at higher than 100 celsius.
As spyfish said, you'll get more sludge and tannins, and it will be more difficult to filter.

But it works.

Be careful when filling the pressure cooker, because if you fill it too high, some plant material might splash and block the airflow, leading to a very dangerous explosion. Don't overfill it, and that's it.
I use pressure cooker to cook shredded caapi and do 3-4x 1h pulls. With mimosa its not suggested since you get the sludge the others mention. With psychotira I've not yet had this issue. Powdered caapi and psychotria would be a pain to filter and even may cause some issues with clogging the vent.
Ayahuasca is very potent, can last for hours and depending on the way you prepare it, can give, as the brazillian people say: "peia", which is an expression which translates to "get beaten up" by it.

I would advise the supersivion of an experienced shaman.
Ayahuasca is very potent, can last for hours and depending on the way you prepare it, can give, as the brazillian people say: "peia", which is an expression which translates to "get beaten up" by it.

I would advise the supersivion of an experienced shaman.

I think the question is not on how long the experience lasts but on the cooking time and if it is something that can be reduced by using a pressure cooker.

Anyway I would not recommend the use of a pressure cooker because it doesn’t really add anything to the process, next to that it’s just nice to just boil a pot of Aya all day long and then determine the strength in the evening.
I know, Varallo. I'm just advising that nowadays there are many people trying to make Ayahuasca with no or little supervision.
It really is complicated to people to get it right out of the blue.
Chances are you are going to prepare a very light or a very strong tea.
I know, Varallo. I'm just advising that nowadays there are many people trying to make Ayahuasca with no or little supervision.
It really is complicated to people to get it right out of the blue.
Chances are you are going to prepare a very light or a very strong tea.
Best to take a small sample and do crude tests... I take 60ml and do a very crude extraction of the harmalas via wash soda and weigh so I know harmala content and you can also do a similar test with the dmt content after the harmalas are precipitated you can add a little more wash soda so ph around 11.7-12 and add like a few ml of hexan (doesn't even need to be best quality since just to test content) evaporate rather than freeze and weigh it. should give you a very good idea on content and how much you need to dose.

BTW I would never trust premade aya sold online here in brazil unless specifically from a known and trusted supplier. Much safer to buy plant material and make it yourself. I see way too many sellers online. If youre luck its just a scam and you lose some money or buy chocolate milk/honey.. if unlucky you ingest a potentially dangerous mixture of plants either misidentified or additives to save money or make a stronger brew.
I agree with Modern.
Just assume your first Aya brew isn't going to be on point and approach it with with caution. Test a small sample, see how you feel etc etc.

If you know anyone who personally brew Aya ask to be in the process of brewing it, try to learn from them.
I use pressure cooker to cook shredded caapi and do 3-4x 1h pulls. With mimosa its not suggested since you get the sludge the others mention. With psychotira I've not yet had this issue. Powdered caapi and psychotria would be a pain to filter and even may cause some issues with clogging the vent.
Yeah with dried caapi id do the same. That stuff is the hardest to home brew. Well least practical anyway.
And taste so horrid from dried. The sweet brews from fresh vines are yum in comparison. I was first introduced to analogs, gotta force it down. Then i went to shipibo ceremonies, everyone said it tasted so bad. I found it taste like sweet black candy. Almost pleasant taste compared to homebrews on dried stuff.
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