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correcting san pedro myths (work in progress)

Migrated topic.
Auxin said:
I once knew a lakota who had ceremonies with more than one healer who lacto-fermented mashed peyote into a beverage. He said it ranged from a tasty beverage to vomitous slop, depending on the procedure used :lol: I've since wondered if a protocol for lacto-fermenting the mucilage out of white san pedro flesh would be feasible. Perhaps with intentional inoculation to prevent spoilage.
I know one person who allowed some SP material to ferment and extracted and the results were still quite good.

Fermentation may also result in desirable (or not) chemical changes.
Kind of like how fermentation is used to produce L-PAC...
Auxin said:
I once knew a lakota who had ceremonies with more than one healer who lacto-fermented mashed peyote into a beverage. He said it ranged from a tasty beverage to vomitous slop, depending on the procedure used :lol: I've since wondered if a protocol for lacto-fermenting the mucilage out of white san pedro flesh would be feasible. Perhaps with intentional inoculation to prevent spoilage.

interesting post.
i've extracted from spoiled /rotten into liquid over months/fermented whole cacti with amazing results
edit(haha didn't see the above post- that'd be me i'm sure)
Magic9, that extract looks 100% like mine. I used the same (ron69) tek. I personally don't know much of anything. But; I think you got a low yield because you only did one pull! I probably did ~3-5.

It may seem silly to say this, as I don't know for sure, but I believe solvents have capacities. Maybe after one pull, 230mg was all that was able to be obtained. Maybe there is still some mescaline in that cactus you threw away. Either way 230mg of *MY EXTRACT* is a great dose.

Best of luck and love.​
Yea, I enjoy the extraction process personally. It's exciting and fun. Plus to see your ability to extract a chemical efficiently is kinda cool.

Also, I mixed the d-limo very well with the cactus material. It was ALL mixed. I then let it sit for probably 4-8hours still letting the d-limo sit and the material fall down to the bottom. Then I decanted the d-limo (which was easy for me, decanted almost 100% without effort). Added the vinegar to the decanted d-limo ( AND if you have a hard time separating the two layers, FREEZE it. The vinegar will freeze at the bottom and the d-limo will just pour off. You can then blot the ice-vinegar with a paper towel, boom 100% separation.) Then separated the vinegar of course, keeping it for harvesting!​
about 200mg out of about 100g cactus is 0.2%
that seems right for PC to me.

Consider that DMPEA can come out with the mescaline (mesc is TMPEA)
part of the weight of final recovery is the acid used to salt
it is incredibly difficult to extract 100% of the alkaloid, even with multiple pulls
Read the Crosby and McLaughlin 1973 write up for more information and an example of this

was this whole plant or dried outer skin?
DeDao said:
Yea, I enjoy the extraction process personally. It's exciting and fun. Plus to see your ability to extract a chemical efficiently is kinda cool.

Also, I mixed the d-limo very well with the cactus material. It was ALL mixed. I then let it sit for probably 4-8hours still letting the d-limo sit and the material fall down to the bottom. Then I decanted the d-limo (which was easy for me, decanted almost 100% without effort). Added the vinegar to the decanted d-limo ( AND if you have a hard time separating the two layers, FREEZE it. The vinegar will freeze at the bottom and the d-limo will just pour off. You can then blot the ice-vinegar with a paper towel, boom 100% separation.) Then separated the vinegar of course, keeping it for harvesting!​

holy mother of god that freezing technique is ungodly amazing! I LOVE YOU.
magic9 said:
So i wonder if i would have pulled more alks with more pulls. OR do you think i should have gotten more than 230mg on 1 pull? do you think its safe to eat this blob?
Safe to eat?

Increased yield with more pulls?
Generally the first pull is the highest yielding, but not always.
Always worth it to try.

Thank you very much for starting this thread. I certainly have the landscaping clone.

So, correct me if I'm wrong in what I've digested through this particular thread. It's variable as to how much mescaline a PC clone may contain..... So variable that it may even be non-existent?

Has anyone heard of any bridgesii or peruvianus being cultivated /sold for landscaping purposes in the Vegas area?

I'm just curious as I potentially wanted to landscape my house with these plants.
Archmage said:

Thank you very much for starting this thread. I certainly have the landscaping clone.

So, correct me if I'm wrong in what I've digested through this particular thread. It's variable as to how much mescaline a PC clone may contain..... So variable that it may even be non-existent?

Has anyone heard of any bridgesii or peruvianus being cultivated /sold for landscaping purposes in the Vegas area?

I'm just curious as I potentially wanted to landscape my house with these plants.

im quite certain that you can find decent sized potted Bridgesii in your area. im in a very simliar location and i found a cactus farmer of 30+ years with a HUGE collection. Im going to be visiting one of his large nurserys to pick up a bunch of large bridgesii potted cacti :) just start doing google map searches for nurserys.
Archmage said:

Thank you very much for starting this thread. I certainly have the landscaping clone.

So, correct me if I'm wrong in what I've digested through this particular thread. It's variable as to how much mescaline a PC clone may contain..... So variable that it may even be non-existent?

Has anyone heard of any bridgesii or peruvianus being cultivated /sold for landscaping purposes in the Vegas area?

I'm just curious as I potentially wanted to landscape my house with these plants.
Yes, it is not uncommon for PC pachanoi to be completely mescaline-free.

I have never heard of a specific T. peruvianus variation that had consistently lower mescaline content, but according to Trout's notes the mescaline content of peruvianus can vary tremendously as well. Several peruvianus specimens have been analyzed and reportedly found to have no mescaline content at all.

As far as alkaloid content, T. bridgessi seems to be the most consistent of the three from what I have read. I tend to stick to bridgessi for the most part as my trichocereus-of-choice, aside from the rare occasions when I have come across non-PC pachanoi in the US.
magic9 said:
he sells a Juuls Giant that he claims is from Tom Juuls yard.

I know he named one "Fastest" and is pretty up front that he just picked the name himself. What exactly are you looking for to prove if a trich is authentic T. Glaucus? His current glaucus looks exactly like a T. Glaucus imo. Ive never read anywhere that he claims there is only one form of Bridgesii.

Again im not trying to defend the guy really, but the way you attack this whole thing with such fervor is interesting. Keep the info coming though.

I guess i have hard time understanding where the hate for his other cacti comes from. I bought a Seed grown peruvian torch from him and he clearly states that it was grown from seed that was wild harvested in the andes mtns and that the seed batch had a ton of variability. I accepted that and purchased what appears to be a really nicely grown peruviant torch. Sure it might not be as active as a good T. Pachanoi or T. Bridgesii but that is always the case..

I bought the same exact cactus from him (seed grown andes) years ago (maybe 2010) and I tell ya that was one of the best experiences I ever had with that cactus. It was very therapeutic. I want to order that same cactus from him because I got rid of mine when I moved.
Does anyone have pictures of the short spined kk242 from matucana. I happen to own a cut I got from kakster and have read a book about this cut. Ive seen some pics of these plant with beautiful red spines in a book titled kk242 notes and pictures.
hey I found a very informative essay on the whole PC non PC issue .
linked below .. more neutral ,without the usual - vern -vers -trout pissing match tone.

This essay gives a really good view of the issue with pics.

Please read the whole essay to get the authors complete opinion/point .

It seems well thought out and accurately researched .

Premium Quality Trichocereus Seeds / Trichocereus Samen
in regards to the 4th myth i think its safe to say that the potency is noticeably increased in dormancy because the plant is slowly dehydrating, less space = more potent. the alkaloid content in the plant would probably only increase over time, and even if it rotted, the alkaloids would probably be in the goo as a stable salt. so i think for general guess work theres a consistency in among similar sized clones
great post btw

id like to mention that ( myth 3 ) the reason the green layer is sought after is because of the nausea/drug ratio. it is more favorable when using just green, there is more drug/ plant leading to less belly ache. the other inner layers have more plant to achieve the same dose and typically the ratio is so unfavorable the participant purges as a result of attempting to ingest it

the green layer is concentrated enough to just dry and eat in some plants like t bridgesii, and in such a plant one needs not separate it from the inner layers as the bridgesii is potent enough throughout for a good drug/plant ratio
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