Also, a lot depends on the seeds used. Some seeds contain more toxins than others. SWIM’s last batch of seeds from BBB were very tiny and contained very little bufotenine, almost no DMT or 5-MeO-DMT, but a lot of brownish amber sticky junk which caused lots of nausea. Even after several very thorough A/B extractions, the brownish amber junk remained in the extract. With each A/B, there was a little less. But the seeds contained massive amounts of that toxin that even several A/B extractions weren’t enough to remove most of it.
Some seeds that SWIM has had in the past were extremely potent with about 5% bufotenine and almost nothing else. With those seeds even a very basic extraction, like the one above would work wonders.
There’s about a dozen different alkaloids in the seeds. And it varies a lot from season to season and from strain to strain and by location so that sometimes you’ll get amazingly powerful seeds of very low toxicity that can be used AS IS without causing much side effects at all, while other times all they do is make you sick.
SWIM has been extracting from Anadenanthera seeds for a long time and has tried many different methods with many different types of solvents, acids, bases, etc. The level of side effects really all depends on the seeds used.
Most seeds have about 1-2% bufotenine, some as much as 10%, and some have none at all.
Some seeds are so active that you can smoke them as is and get full blown effects without much side effects.
The main side effects are nausea and head tension and it seems to be that the more sticky extracts cause more of these side effects. I believe this is caused by a brown oil present (some sort of alkaloid that’s a oil). It can be really difficult to remove it. If your seeds have a lot of it, even an A/B extraction won’t get rid of all of it. I know that column chromatography can remove it. But I don’t know of another way.
A. peregrina usually has more of the stuff that makes you sick. A. colubrina is usually much cleaner. That’s been SWIM’s experience.
The A. colubrinas out there with the 10% bufotenine are the best. They contain so much bufotenine that you can use them as is and not feel any toxic effects because the toxins are never present in such high amounts. It’s when you use the weak seeds that you usually feel the side effects heavily.