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Crude rue extraction produces rue oil?


Established member
I decided to try an experiment ,,,,

.. and not really expecting much.....but i was able to do a ...selective extraction from rue seed using .... napatha as a solvent... a method very similar to .. [dmt extraction from mimosa bark] ...

I used only 4 grams of powderd rue seed ...[powdered in coffie grinder]..... in a very small glass jar ...[just as a test.]......i added some... [distilled water only.].. to the powdered seed ... filling the jar about 2/3rds from top.. put on cap and shook the jar a lot..

The shaking turned the ..water ...to a dark amber color...

I then removed metal cap and placed the jar in a microwave and heated it only long .enough ....[about 30 seconds]... [avoiding a boil over]... so the ..rue and water inside got hot l ...

Removed the jar and the glass was very hot...

Into the heated rue soup... i decided to use.......sodium carbonate ......its much its weaker and safer than lye... to be used to freebase. the rue..

After adding about 1/2 table spoon of ...100 percent sodium carbonate powder to the contents in the jar the dark amber
liquid suddenly turned into the color of chocolate milk!

By the color change it appeared to be doing something i thought,..

After adding the sodium carbonate powder to the rue soup ..i then using a pipet droppered a small amount of Napatha untill it raised the soup volume about 1/2 inch...

Then i started shaking the mixture ... curious to see if the solvent would be selective ... and pick up the rue actives...

After letting the jar of rue soup sit for a few minutes... the clear napatha came back to the top and turned a yellow color!

I knew then the napatha was selecting something from the rue soup!

I am not a super chemist... and maybe ....someone on nexus.... [who knows more about chemistry than me ]....... has an idea of what is going on with my crude extraction?

The napatha defenantly pulled something cleanly from the rue soup... after removing the napatha and after evaporating the napatha it left something that looked very similar to honey in the evaporation jar....

The honey on bottom of jar was clear it had no seed particles in it...it was a selective clean extraction from the rue soup!

This has got me wondering what ive done...the honey could be just fats /oils? from the seed/....but could the pull contain wanted rue actives?.......and cleaned up similarly like the way we clean up full spectrum dmt pulls/ like the mini AB cleanup?

every thing ive used so far is reasonably SAFE .....powdered rue seed...distilled water.....sodium carbonate... and [napatha].... that is compleatly evaporated from the extract product... Not sure how potent the extracted product will be?...it probibly will be quite strong! judging from the potent smell...

UPDATE 2/25/2024 ...the honey in bottom of jar in picture below .. dried more overnight... [it has a strong rue smell... and,,it is shrinking a little and developing a bumpy rough texture on surface...will it crystalize in some way?.. [or dry hard]?... to be turned into a powder?.....as it dries further?

photos included...

UPDATE 2/27/2024
starting a third day of drying ...the thick rue oil is drying slowly and shrinking a little in mass.. and i am scoreing it with thin knife... to speed up drying time...
Hope it will dry enough to be powdered and capsulized? for i believe it is very potent from its strong rue smell...


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update... 3/2/2024 after almost a week ... the rue oil... still has not hardened..[the thickened oil wont harden up even if placed in a freezer.....but he mass of oil has shrunk some from further drying...it still has a strong rue smell and maintains its clear ...thick honey colored... particle free appearence thanks to the selective napatha extraction...its now a thick honey color and compleatly free of any napatha..
I want to try some of the honey blended in with a waxy dmt through vaping...I also wonder how the... rue honey and dmt blend .....would work if put in a capsul?

will include photo below of further dried oil...... magnify picture for closer look..
the last two photos ....in jars...on right side of screen... [left jar with camera flash/right jar without flash].... are a new rue seed extraction...done basicly the same...... [using 4 or 5 grams of syrian rue seed]...except i used.......[ lye ]......instead of /... [sodium carbonate] and it appeares im pulling a stronger yellow color...in the napatha...and less problem with emulsion! PLEASE MAGNIFY IMAGES...
NOTE..not shure how good this is ? ?...[smells very potent!....i havent tryed this stuff yet with spice.....[there may be a way to extract crystals from it?].....Beware!...it might be very potent! i would start with very micro or low doses if using it to vape with... or oral use with spice...


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update... 3/2/2024 after almost a week ... the rue oil... still has not hardened..[the thickened oil wont harden up even if placed in a freezer.....but he mass of oil has shrunk some from further drying...it still has a strong rue smell and maintains its clear ...thick honey colored... particle free appearence thanks to the selective napatha extraction...its now a thick honey color and compleatly free of any napatha..
I want to try some of the honey blended in with a waxy dmt through vaping...I also wonder how the... rue honey and dmt blend .....would work if put in a capsul?

will include photo below of further dried oil......
Magnify picture if you like...
Here is the results of 3 napatha pulls ....[using lye].... from only 4 grams of rue seed .... with the napatha almost compleatly evaporated ... it leaves glosey oil glaze.. on bottom of dish that should slowly dry over the next 5 or more days...it also has a strong rue smell...its now not as yellow as the first extraction using . [sodium carbonate]... but may yellow more as it drys further...


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So, it looks as though the odour components of rue are soluble in naphtha… you've made what would be known in perfumery as a rue concrète. How fluorescent is it, though?
i believe it is very potent from its strong rue smell
The smelly bit of rue probably isn't where the action is, if you consider the scent of isolated harmala alkaloids. Then again, it depends what you mean by "rue smell"- I imagine you're referring to the unique scent you get from sticking your nose in a bag of rue seeds, rather than the slight indolic whiff of refined harmalas?
So, it looks as though the odour components of rue are soluble in naphtha… you've made what would be known in perfumery as a rue concrète. How fluorescent is it, though?

The smelly bit of rue probably isn't where the action is, if you consider the scent of isolated harmala alkaloids. Then again, it depends what you mean by "rue smell"- I imagine you're referring to the unique scent you get from sticking your nose in a bag of rue seeds, rather than the slight indolic whiff of refined harmalas?
Dry in oil form its doesnt glow under blacklight...but once its wet ....[desolved in something]....it certanly does glow under black light...the glow gets all over the fingers from touching it..

The extract does have a strong smell.. I think harmala alkaloids are likely in the oil...But not 100 percent positive?...because i havent tested it on myself yet..

I had rue tea many times in past ...using 2 to three grams of seed .... so im not concerned about the saftey of the product ..all the napatha is compleatly gone...... as long as im using a proper dose.....

I wonder if cleaned up....after using .. mini AB defat,... could produce crystals ...in similar way that ... Acacia bark does after extraction and defat...because the process of extraction is about the same using acid base extraction ?

Some one who took organic chemistry could likely explain it better..
First thing I'd do is see how much of it dissolves in lightly acidified water.
Once dissolved in some semi-standardised way, the penetration depth of UV fluorescence, when viewed from the side, serves as a rough estimate of concentration. At higher concentrations the glowing layer is thinner because most of the UV gets absorbed near the surface.

Of course, there are plenty of fluorescent substances besides harmalas so this would only be the beginning of homing in on what's in the oil. (I know nothing of quinazoline fluorescence for example and it would be good to find out about that.)

The other question is what might be left in the seeds.

I find this whole thing quite intriguing since, a while ago, I did notice that something fluorescent passed into solution after rinsing a harmala-stained beaker with some naphtha. Already at the back of my mind I had the notion that some component of rue dissolves in naphtha so it's great that you've been experimenting.
I desolved the lye extracted rue oil ...[ from large dish in photos above]...from 4 grams seed]... in acidic distilled water..........using white vinegar in the water...

I then shook the acidic water with the rue oils... and gave it plenty of time to seperate......hoping the ...wanted rue alcaloids.... would merge into the acidic water leaving the fats and impuritys floating on top........ [as it says to do in the ..MINI AB CLEANUP] .... taken from from old nexus forum......when cleaning up DMT bark soup...

I then shook up the contents and gave it plenty of time to seperate and......[even after seperating for more than 12 hours]....... it appears the oily stuff is now floating on top of acidic water ..
...and as an example ...i placed some clear water and clear white vinegar next to the jar with acidic water ... and the vinegar and distilled water are MUCH MORE clear!..... than the water in the extraction jar! so it appears something migrated into the acidic water! what im not shure yet?

Next step is to remove the acidic water..... and dispose of the oily residue floating on top of the acid water....then add a little ..[lye] to the to the acidic water... shake and see if any crystals start floating on top of water....Then last step to add a little napatha then shake contents hopeing the rue alcaloids will migrate into the napatha after seperation...to remove later and evaporate into rue crystals...or freeze percipitate into crystals...

This method is proven work well !.. for deffating and producing clean DMT crystals from bark ... but this MAY ?or MAY NOT work ...for extracting from rue seed..

worth a try..


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I desolved the lye extracted rue oil ...[ from large dish in photos above]...from 4 grams seed]... in acidic distilled water..........using white vinegar in the water...

I then shook the acidic water with the rue oils... and gave it plenty of time to seperate......hoping the ...wanted rue alcaloids.... would merge into the acidic water leaving the fats and impuritys floating on top........ [as it says to do in the ..MINI AB CLEANUP] .... taken from from old nexus forum......when cleaning up DMT bark soup...

I then shook up the contents and gave it plenty of time to seperate and it appears the oily stuff is now floating on top of acidic water ..
...and as an example ...i placed some clear water and clear white vinegar next to the jar with acidic water ... and the vinegar and distilled water are MUCH MORE clear!..... than the water in the extraction jar! so it appears something migrated into the acidic water! what im not shure yet?

Next step is to remove the acidic water..... and dispose of the oily residue floating on top of the acid water....then add a little ..[lye] to the to the acidic water... and see if any crystals start floating on top of water....Then last step to add a little napatha then shake contents hopeing the rue alcaloids will migrate into the napatha after seperation...to remove later and evaporate into rue crystals...or freeze percipitate into crystals...

This method is proven work well !.. for deffating and producing clean DMT crystals from bark ... but this MAY ?or MAY NOT work ...for extracting from rue seed..

worth a try..
Cool. You could try picking off the oil with a bit of naphtha, since it should be soluble in that solvent.

It looks as though it would have worked to have backsalted the original naphtha pulls, bypassing the evaporation step.
here is a better picture of the oils and impuritys floating on top with a little tap on glass...but notice the acidic water below is still not clear ... like the clear examples in photos above........meaning something migrated into the acidic water...
best way to seperate the acidic water from the impuritys on top is using a seperator ...but i can do it with a pipette if im carefull..

quote....[It looks as though it would have worked to have backsalted the original naphtha pulls, bypassing the evaporation step.] .....
well as ive already said.... im not much of a chemist ... more of an explorer.. 😊

enjoy this video below in ..[full screen!].. its full of delicious colors and warm sounds!:alien:

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