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Crystals growing in the top layer of the mix

The Traveler

The Moxylator
Staff member
For a few weeks now I left my DMT extraction alone, with some naphtha at the top to pick up any DMT it could put it's eye on.

Today I checked the mixture and to my big surprise there were crystals growing in the top naphtha layer! šŸ˜²



This happened near room temperature (19C/66F).

So I guess I now have the warm up the mixture a bit and then pull the naphtha for a nice freeze precipitation. šŸ¤—

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Beautiful little stalagmites :) I had this happen to me many years ago. Probably from the temperature ever so slowly dropping. It was a shame to melt them down.
They probably grow due to the naphtha slowly evaporating.

Now I have a slight dilemma however, since my curious mind wants to check if they wil grow bigger over time, and I also like to extract some DMT. I guess the solution is to use another container to brew another batch while this one slowly keeps it's crystals growing. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Probably from the temperature ever so slowly dropping
Could also be from slow diffusion as the bark breaks down, as well as diurnal temperature cycles favoring growth of large crystals (Ostwald ripening) and slow evaporation of the naphtha.

I'd be tempted to try fishing at least one of them out with a suitable implement - bent lab spatula or teaspoon. Tweezers would probably squeeze too hard.
I'd be tempted to try fishing at least one of them out with a suitable implement - bent lab spatula or teaspoon. Tweezers would probably squeeze too hard.
Now you have tempted me.

Tomorrow I'll try to recover one and let it safely dry. Might be a mess, might make a great hyperspace accelerator. šŸ˜

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Tomorrow I'll try to recover one and let it safely dry. Might be a mess, might make a great hyperspace accelerator. šŸ˜
With any luck you should be able to plug it into the flux capacitor for a few extra jiggerwatts ;)

Pics of a cleanly removed crystal would of course be received with considerable excitement.
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