The Maxx said:jamie said:well here is some pics of the crystals we have sitting around the house
Hey, dude, what can you tell me about that crystal skull in the first picture? I've always wanted one of those. But, you know, like the Indiana Jones size skull in the last movie.
You have an amazing collection there.
jamie said:Well..for starters it is quartz.. It is apparently tuned to the frequency of the full moon or something..I dunno about that but I can tell you that it came to me for a reason. It is a shamanic tool that I have inherited basically..minxx got it years back and I dunno how much she ever really used it or anything but I have been obcessed with quartz for some time and when I first saw that skull I was like woah wtf and never stopped using it..I sleep with that thing man.
I spent a year sleeping with that thing microdosing harmalas the whole told me it's name once even. I could have just been too high though.
Also..the first time I really broke through..I mean REALLY really hard..that skull made up the mandala stargate..I saw fractals of it all over the chrysanthemum.
I am not sure where this skull was made but it was not in the west..I am trying to find out more about it..
Sky Motion said:Very nice entheo, I like the prints at the bottom as well.
entheogenadvocate said:Part of my meditation roomMy favorites are the Agate bookends and the two fluorite stones next to the lenticular images. The fluorite stones were gifts, and I lay them in the creases of my legs during my changa sessions. They keep me calm and steady.
Sky Motion said:Diggin the setup Global, do you think it has significant impact on your experiences?
olympus mon said:They amaze me growing one atom at a time over thousands and thousands of years. Crystals are pretty special wonders of nature. My most prized quartz has a bubble inside it with water trapped in it! I wonder how old that water is.