Turmeric has been a staple medicine for me lately, so I went to the store and bought them out, only 5 190 gram packages. I juiced them all in a juicer, and after sitting a precipitate forms on the bottom. Pretty sure it's the curcumin. And if it's really not water soluable it's likely that a Manks (sp?) method could be used to push the rest of the curcumin out. From this I got a quarter of a shot glass of this bright colored thick liquid, that turns solid for the moment you touch it with a fork or spoon (just like kitchen rue which is flower and water).
I was debating whether to suspend it in oil with black pepper, and I noticed the top layer darkening. I'll go with hemp oil, though I was originally thinking coconut.
After I poured off the juice I let it sit in the fridge and another later formed on the bottom. I took the juiced turmeric material and added water to make what has ended up being gallons of turmeric tea I used as a base to make masala chai it's ginger, Kratom, gugaloo frankincense, Cbd raw honey, and sometimes other stuff as well.
Thought that little discovery would be good to share, can keep it all raw, or macro or whatever food grade. If you have a big enough percolator that amount would fit in there. I think it's possible to get a higher yield, maybe juice to get the first bit, percolate to get another solution to add with the juice after removing the precipitate, the solution would then be supersaturated with salt assuming that works, and then the curcumin could be washed with water to remove salt. Then comes the pepper! (And oil)
Also, isn't canola GMO?