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Cybs max ion tek-temperature

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi guys. It will be my first time extracting dmt, and I was wondering: what are the correct temperatures for the hotbaths in Cybs max ion tek? I have a thermometer and I would really like some actual figures instead of just "hot" or "low".

I do 39-45 °C as beyond this the product gets oily and requires purification.

Usually "hot" means hot to the touch, that is above 50° C, e.g. 60 °C.

Sometimes "HOT" is hotter than "hot" and is just too hot to touch.

"Warm" can be lukewarm (40 °C) up to "hot".

"Cold" is below room temperature and considerably cold to the touch, say 15 °C.

"Ice cold" is just above 0 °C.
Temp should be warm... Not Hot...
Around 40-45C should be fine
Just run the Hot tap for the heat baths and that's adequate.
Over heating causes undesirable consequences and will drag out more oils and yellowing agents...even the 'Dreaded Jello Blobs'

Note: You can do the extraction using just cold water throughout...this will give nice white Xtals but at cost of a little bit of yield.

The purpose of heating is to 'Drag out All of the available product inc. extra stuff that can be cleaned up later if wanted'.
(Although cleaning is not really necessary as you are going to Vaporise it anyway)
cyb said:
Temp should be warm... Not Hot...
Around 40-45C should be fine
Just run the Hot tap for the heat baths and that's adequate.

But your tek says to leave it a warm bath for 8 hours. I can't leave the hot water running for 8 hours. What do you use for the warm bath? Would a Crock Pot set to low be too hot?
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