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D-Limonene and Hydrochloric Acid

Migrated topic.


The Root
OG Pioneer
Swim likes having his mescaline in hcl form but dislikes xylene, swim loves D-Limonene and would prefer to salt out his alkaloids with Hydrochloric Acid rather than Acetic Acid but has heard that other things may precip out of the D-limonene.

When working with Xylene pulls swim uses 1 drop per 75ml water.
What is a good amount of hcl to use when using D-Limonene or should this just not be attempted ?
Swim heard something else may precipitate - What else is it that precipitates out of the D-Limonene ?

If only a certain amount of whatever it is that precipitates out is created by mixing the acid with the solvent then could one not make a stronger solution of dilute Hydrochloric Acid - mix it with the D-Limonene and repeat a few times until the D-Limonene is exhausted of giving precipitates at that acidity then use it for a pull then safely salt out with the less acidic pull dilute Hydrochloric Acid. Or would this precipitate be something that is a breakdown product and would remove the ability to pull the alkaloids from the solvent ?


perhaps the precipitates can easily be washed out ?

anyone have experience with this or ideas ?
I think if you dilute Hcl to 8% you should be all set.

Or start at 5%, do 2 pulls then gradually increase the conerntration for each consecutive pull. Lots of evapping to do that way though...

Then take a look once it's all evapped and see which look the nicest. I think some impurities are pretty to clean off Mesc-Hcl but I'm not speaking as the voice of experience here.
Phlux- said:
Swim likes having his mescaline in hcl form but dislikes xylene, swim loves D-Limonene and would prefer to salt out his alkaloids with Hydrochloric Acid rather than Acetic Acid but has heard that other things may precip out of the D-limonene.

When working with Xylene pulls swim uses 1 drop per 75ml water.
What is a good amount of hcl to use when using D-Limonene or should this just not be attempted ?
Swim heard something else may precipitate - What else is it that precipitates out of the D-Limonene ?

If only a certain amount of whatever it is that precipitates out is created by mixing the acid with the solvent then could one not make a stronger solution of dilute Hydrochloric Acid - mix it with the D-Limonene and repeat a few times until the D-Limonene is exhausted of giving precipitates at that acidity then use it for a pull then safely salt out with the less acidic pull dilute Hydrochloric Acid. Or would this precipitate be something that is a breakdown product and would remove the ability to pull the alkaloids from the solvent ?


perhaps the precipitates can easily be washed out ?

anyone have experience with this or ideas ?
D-limonene works fine with HCl. SWIM has not seen what "crap" can precipitate out of fresh, clean limonene, but he can imagine the case when salting mescaline form cactus. Too high concentration of HCl will not only convert mescFB and related alkaloids to their respective hydrochloride, but it may solubilise other compounds and lipids that are otherwise insoluble in not too concentrated HCl.

1% HCl is more than sufficient for salting mesc out of limonene. As a rough guide;

1) a 1% solution of HCl has a pH of 0.7 (which is pretty damn acidic already) and

2) 50 ml of 1% solution of HCl can salt roughly 2.8 grams mescaline.

So there is not much really need to go for higher, maybe 2% if one is worried.
iv been reading of people using 5ml of 10%hcl to make 25ml of water - that seems like a hell of a lot.
swim has 30% hcl and has used 1 drop per 75ml water - its been working fine and the mesc hcl has been very white - should swim be using more acidic water ?
how many drops or mls of 30% hcl should swim be using to make 100ml acidic water ?
swim hates waiting for timezones so he used 5 drops 30% hcl with 100ml water.
Quick sleuth probing for all you aspiring chemists/psychonauts/experimenters. Does everyone have a proclivity for extracting, and concentrating things in an aesthetically appeasing granule and or grit form due to a fascination with chemistry? Indiginous medicines have been taken without labs from times of antiquity. Although, it would be inspiring to see someone with the knowhow to synthesize lsd25, why not just take these sacraments in an organic form?
^^SWIM has one simple reason SWIM doesn't like puking. The puking is only beneficial for healing purposes. SWIM doesn't always use psychedelics for this purpose.

Also its much easier to know the dose when you have an isolated compound which makes everything easier. Its also easier to ingest a small isolated powder instead of eating a cactus.

SWIM also think its important to purify compounds for research purposes. SWIM considers it fun to purify compounds from plants its an art and a skill.
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