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D-limonene safety

Migrated topic.


Rising Star

I gonna do my first bufotenine extraction using the depurated Jorkest d-limonene Tek.

The Tek involves heating limonene to it's boiling point (±178°C) and people remarks on no using flaming gas cooking stove, preferring electric ones instead so there is no flames thus combustion.

I don't have any possibility to get one of these (only have gas stove), and I need to heat just 200ml of d-limonene, so, is the risk so real or I can manage the heating with caution to avoid any combustion?

Thanks a lot
And if you decide to heat it in a microwave, be very careful. I've had sunflower oil explode and mess up my mic. And I've had vinegar break into pieces the glass vessel it was in.

What seems to help is putting an inert, food-safe object, e.g. a grain of rice, in your liquid. I put a magnetic stir bar in the glass. This is supposed to provide a nucleation site and prevent superheating.
endlessness said:

Hope that helps!

Ps: if you are going to heat hotter than 100c as said, then use a hotplate made for labs. Do NOT use a gas stove undet any circumstances. Also work with good ventilation and make sure to have fire extinguisher near just in case


Thanks for the advice, I checked in my local eBay and hotplates are really cheap (us$18 ). I couldn't buy a lab one, but I think a kitchen one with a thermometer could work no?

I read all post in many bufo thread, a lot of you, written near a decade ago, thanks for sharing knowledge!
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