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D-Limonene substitute?

Migrated topic.


The Lizard Wizard
Staff member
Hello friends,

I searched the forum quite a lot, but found no answer to this. I'm sorry if it's already answered, please direct me to the correct place to look at and delete my post.

I have some peruvian torch lying around and I want to use 69ron's d-limonene extraction tek. Problem is where I live it's very hard to get your hands on food-grade limonene, so my question revolves around what can I substitute it with? I've got a chemical shop near me, so any and all info is very much appreciated.

Much love and respect.
:? well i dont really know what you would call simple
I got the solvents and equiment.
First time i extracted a small amount of mescaline i used DCM but i wouldnt recommend it.

Its totally up to you really.
Look at the teks choose the one you find best.
No real use to listen to me because stuff is simpler for me because i got equipment and chems.
Xylene is probably a rough equivalent, but maybe you've already found this out using some kind of search function.

Then of course there's that splendid solvent, water. Why not just drink some delicious cactus tea?
Food grade isn't required for this tek, it is just required for the tek to be considered "food safe", which I gave up on because I couldn't find food safe MEK in a reasonable time. Tech grade D-limonene works fine, that's what I used. It is fairly easy to keep the D-limonene separate from the vinegar.
JP said:
Food grade isn't required for this tek, it is just required for the tek to be considered "food safe", which I gave up on because I couldn't find food safe MEK in a reasonable time. Tech grade D-limonene works fine, that's what I used. It is fairly easy to keep the D-limonene separate from the vinegar.

Hmm, I was not aware of that. I thought I must use food-grade or some nasty stuff would be left in the resulting product, raising the toxicity tremendously. Guess that's not the case then?
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