First is there any chance of Overdosing and what would happen?
Secondly, can you go too far and not be able to come back?
Lastly, Are there any dangers in general that one should be aware of? Are there any documented cases of anyone having a permanent negative change?
Also any permanent positive change other than just beliefs. See my other post.
Also what happens with prolongued use? Not only with just tripping more sessions but what about trying to keep the trip going? Like the secoind you regain your faculties enough to take another hit (Smoking for instance) is it easier to get back to the deeper regions liek teh playpen? I have some things I need to get done and I didnt seem to have teh time the 1st trip so I have this strong feeling bordering on obsession to go back and finish what I started. What are the dangers and benefits and how should I go about doing it?
Is ther any chance of losing my sanity by tripping too much? Going too far, too often, too deep?
One more thing.. I get the feeling that the little sprite guys arent the most trustworthy..Has anyone been tricked by them or have any negative experiences that would give me reason to stop interacting with them or take certain precautions? Can I restrict their probing of my mind and allow them to take only what I let them or do they have unlimited accesss to my mind.
I get the feeling that tehy are probing not just this mind from this life but they are checking all my lives , my entire souls existence..Can they offer me information about my other incarnations both past or future( I use teh linear time terminology for lack of better terms and ease of understanding)
Also are there any other entities taht might help me more or on the other side of the spectrum, might hurt me or be a negative force to stay away from? Please see my other thread to understand anything you don't in this thread.
Thank you.
Secondly, can you go too far and not be able to come back?
Lastly, Are there any dangers in general that one should be aware of? Are there any documented cases of anyone having a permanent negative change?
Also any permanent positive change other than just beliefs. See my other post.
Also what happens with prolongued use? Not only with just tripping more sessions but what about trying to keep the trip going? Like the secoind you regain your faculties enough to take another hit (Smoking for instance) is it easier to get back to the deeper regions liek teh playpen? I have some things I need to get done and I didnt seem to have teh time the 1st trip so I have this strong feeling bordering on obsession to go back and finish what I started. What are the dangers and benefits and how should I go about doing it?
Is ther any chance of losing my sanity by tripping too much? Going too far, too often, too deep?
One more thing.. I get the feeling that the little sprite guys arent the most trustworthy..Has anyone been tricked by them or have any negative experiences that would give me reason to stop interacting with them or take certain precautions? Can I restrict their probing of my mind and allow them to take only what I let them or do they have unlimited accesss to my mind.
I get the feeling that tehy are probing not just this mind from this life but they are checking all my lives , my entire souls existence..Can they offer me information about my other incarnations both past or future( I use teh linear time terminology for lack of better terms and ease of understanding)
Also are there any other entities taht might help me more or on the other side of the spectrum, might hurt me or be a negative force to stay away from? Please see my other thread to understand anything you don't in this thread.
Thank you.