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Dangers of DMT?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
First is there any chance of Overdosing and what would happen?

Secondly, can you go too far and not be able to come back?

Lastly, Are there any dangers in general that one should be aware of? Are there any documented cases of anyone having a permanent negative change?

Also any permanent positive change other than just beliefs. See my other post.

Also what happens with prolongued use? Not only with just tripping more sessions but what about trying to keep the trip going? Like the secoind you regain your faculties enough to take another hit (Smoking for instance) is it easier to get back to the deeper regions liek teh playpen? I have some things I need to get done and I didnt seem to have teh time the 1st trip so I have this strong feeling bordering on obsession to go back and finish what I started. What are the dangers and benefits and how should I go about doing it?

Is ther any chance of losing my sanity by tripping too much? Going too far, too often, too deep?

One more thing.. I get the feeling that the little sprite guys arent the most trustworthy..Has anyone been tricked by them or have any negative experiences that would give me reason to stop interacting with them or take certain precautions? Can I restrict their probing of my mind and allow them to take only what I let them or do they have unlimited accesss to my mind.

I get the feeling that tehy are probing not just this mind from this life but they are checking all my lives , my entire souls existence..Can they offer me information about my other incarnations both past or future( I use teh linear time terminology for lack of better terms and ease of understanding)

Also are there any other entities taht might help me more or on the other side of the spectrum, might hurt me or be a negative force to stay away from? Please see my other thread to understand anything you don't in this thread.

Thank you.
If you take too much DMT, you will pass out, so there is the danger of accidentally injuring yourself when you fall or stumble into something. An overdose that will causse death or a coma is something that's only theoretically possible, but wich is practiccaly impossible. An average person would have to take (vaporize/snort/inject) several grams for that.
The psychedelic experience will have psychological effects on you, comparable with the effects of other intense experiences. Extremely negative experiences can causse posttraumatic stress dissorder. When you have a tendency for psychiatric dissorders, DMT or other psychedelics can trigger a breakthrough of this tendency, but the risk of this is not higher then with many other substances like cocaine or cannabis.
It is wise not to take too much DMT too often. What too much and too often is for you, is a personal thing, but whenever you are in doubt on whether you really want to do it, it's always better not to do it.
When you take more then you can handle, or when you do it too often, the intensity of the experiences will mentally exhaust you.
With psychedelic tryptamines it is very hard to tell, whether damage done is a result of the chemical reactions in you brain, or whether it is purely a psychological thing, but it is known that LSD abuse can causse depressive dissorders. At the same time, this shows how reatively safe these tryptamines are, since they do not causse direct brain damage. Depressive or post-traumatic stress disorders are very simmilar sort of dissorders. It is most likely that the nature of your personality and therefore you experiences is related with a certain chemical balance or imbalance, since these substances affect these parts of your brain that are responsible for exactly this; experience. Therefore it is like i said, hard to determine if a posttraumatic stress disorder is the direct result of a chemical imbalance or if it's the overintensity of the experience that's caussed it.
This is the answer on the risk of DMT; it causses an experience and the axperience, like any intense experience will causse chemical changes in your brain and at the same time the chemical changes in your brain causse the experience. With DMT you're right in the middle of the mind-body paradigm, and so with it's effects on your mental health.
Stressfull events can be healthy, since it can fullfill a psychological need on one hand and with that it's responsible for the release of human nerve growth factor as well as cortisol. Too stressfull events are unhealthy as well psychologically as well as for the cortisol levels in your blood.
Noetic said:
First is there any chance of Overdosing and what would happen?

7-10grams IV'd or 14 grams oral with MAOI and you have 50/50 chance of surviving if you are an average sized human and if the LD50 on rats is correct.

Secondly, can you go too far and not be able to come back?

Lastly, Are there any dangers in general that one should be aware of? Are there any documented cases of anyone having a permanent negative change?

Not to my knowledge. It can be stressful as polytrip has noted. But tryptamines, in general, are pharmacologically safe.

Also any permanent positive change other than just beliefs. See my other post.
I have read of many positive changes that occur during an ayahuasca cerimony, including talking to plants, strong intuition, and seeing aura's. I have not heard of them with vaporized DMT.

Also what happens with prolongued use? Not only with just tripping more sessions but what about trying to keep the trip going? Like the secoind you regain your faculties enough to take another hit (Smoking for instance) is it easier to get back to the deeper regions liek teh playpen? I have some things I need to get done and I didnt seem to have teh time the 1st trip so I have this strong feeling bordering on obsession to go back and finish what I started. What are the dangers and benefits and how should I go about doing it?

DMT builds a VERY quick tolerance. Within 1.5-2minutes of your first toke you will not have any additional effects no matter how much you smoke. This wears off about 30minutes to an hour after the effects wear off. To prolong this experience many will take an MAOI (Syrian Rue seeds or Caapi vine). vaporitzed DMT+MAOI = 20minutes to 2 hour experience. See, the thing with DMT is that over time, one wants to use it less and less...it is like a reverse addiction. When I started smoking it was almost ever night, and sometimes 4-5times a day...now it is every couple of months. You can burn out on DMT and then the effects become less and less spectaular (well, compared to the first couple of times, still amazing compared to everything else on this mundane earth).

One more thing.. I get the feeling that the little sprite guys arent the most trustworthy..Has anyone been tricked by them or have any negative experiences that would give me reason to stop interacting with them or take certain precautions? Can I restrict their probing of my mind and allow them to take only what I let them or do they have unlimited accesss to my mind.

I get the feeling that tehy are probing not just this mind from this life but they are checking all my lives , my entire souls existence..Can they offer me information about my other incarnations both past or future( I use teh linear time terminology for lack of better terms and ease of understanding)

Also are there any other entities taht might help me more or on the other side of the spectrum, might hurt me or be a negative force to stay away from? Thank you.

If you keep going back you will find good entities, bad entities, and general flora and fauna of the "land" My friend sometimes sees giant catfish looking creatures...they are not good or bad, just are.

Some entities are more jester like than anything else...they are playful, mischevious, and sometimes annoying. The spirtes you speak of, I think, fit into this category.

In my 200+ voyages I have only come across an evil feeling entity a handful of times. They cannot hurt you, as you are a physical being and are only in their realm briefly. Others may have different opinions, but to date, I have never heard of anyone being physically hurt by a hyperspace entity...scared yes, but never hurt.

If you want you can purify the area with White Sage smoke, this seems to help enter into a less stressful realm. I do not worry too much about protecting myself in hyperspace...more often than not I am shown love beyond my wildest dreams.
I am glad you ask all these questions Noetic. It shows you are mature and respectfull. I am sure when you start on your travels, you will be safe and come back enriched by the experiance.
So theres no proof of damage to either production or reception of seratonin or anything liek that? Anyone ever done a CT scan before during and after of the brain of a pyschonaut? Incresased pineal activity for instance? If not that would be a really cool experiment. The oly book I've read oin DMT was Strassmans The spirit molecule and it was 1q0 years ago. I've been rereading through it but I dont remember any mention of CT scans or MRi's or anything.
Whats teh main difference between ayahausca brew and otehr psychadelics? What is it the best for?
Ayahuasca is, dependant on how sharp you want to define it A-a mixture of DMT (or (multiple) DMT analogue's) with a MAO inhibitor to prevent it from being destroyed by the mono-aminooxidase ezyme, or B a mixture of a traditionally used DMT containing plant, mostly psychotria viridis, (sometimes with other plants added) with a MAOI's containing plant, wich traditionally is banesteriopsis caapi.
Although all over south america, there are numerous of these brews used by many tribes, so to me it is a bit arbitrary to call only one of these brews 'the original ayahuasca'.
The caapi vine is known to have all kinds of health benefits. On itself the vine would increase serotonergic activity, because the MAOI inhibits the breakdown of serotonin in the first place. Because of this it is traditionally used as an antidepressant. because of the combination with DMT, during the trip serotonergic activity is being supressed. As a result of supressed serotonergic activity, the brain start to grow more serotonin receptors. When the trip is over as a result of all this serotonergic activity will dramatically increase, becausse the MAOI effect is still there and you'l have an increased number of receptors as well. It takes a few days for the brain to downregulate this to the original level. Because of this, ayahuasca is sayed to be one of the best cures for depression there is. People who frequently use ayahuasca are mentally healthier and function better, intellectually.
It must be sayed though, that much of these efects could be atributed to the very social aspects of the ayahuasca rituals as well.
polytrip said:
Ayahuasca is, dependant on how sharp you want to define it A-a mixture of DMT (or (multiple) DMT analogue's) with a MAO inhibitor to prevent it from being destroyed by the mono-aminooxidase ezyme, or B a mixture of a traditionally used DMT containing plant, mostly psychotria viridis, (sometimes with other plants added) with a MAOI's containing plant, wich traditionally is banesteriopsis caapi.
Although all over south america, there are numerous of these brews used by many tribes, so to me it is a bit arbitrary to call only one of these brews 'the original ayahuasca'.
The caapi vine is known to have all kinds of health benefits.

"Hausca" means Vine.

Well to be sensitive to the culture and the language, Ayahuasca means "vine of the soul [dead]" Traditional Ayahuasca ALWAYS has B. Caapi, the other plants are extra's. Yes there are many, many different recipies, but all of them have Caapi as their base. Yes, there are many admixture plants, but in S. America, if a brew is called Ayahuasca it always has the caapi vine in it.

Some add Toe, some add Chali, some add Viridis, others add a mixture of many different plants to achieve a certian effect...none of these admixtures are as important to the natives users as the Caapi vine. They are called her helpers, as they help the spirit of Ayahuasca (Caapi) to heal humans. There are some Ayahuasca brews that contain no DMT containing plants at all...it is still called Ayahuasca. So to define S. American Ayahusca as oral MAOI+DMT is simply untrue.

I'm not saying one brew is superior to another, only that to call something ayahuasca that does not have Caapi in it is incorrect. This is why I called it Traditional Ayahuasca.

Using rue as the MAOI is its own experience, but it is not a huasca as it contains no Caapi.
Oh, this is getting more complex then it first seemed.
Well, ofcourse i didn't mean any brew with rue, since it doesn't naturally occur in south america. But some people find that only the mixture of the vine with psychotria is 'real'ayahusca, while many people from south america i've met, claim that mimosa is something of wich the traditional use goes back a long time.
Anyway. The health benefit's from ayahuasca can for a great part be atributed to the vine. The list of health benefits from solely the use of this vine is quite long. But then there is the social aspect of the ritual of wich the importance cannot be denied either.
The reason i was mentioning mimosa here, is because mimosa also is used in traditional medicine and it has many uses.
From DMT itself, like with so many psychedelic tryptamines, there is no simple answer to it's effect on people's health. The degree in wich people can integrate the experience in their daily lives, matters a great deal.
I've once read a study on the effects of LSD on intellectual perfomance (afterwards, so indicating what it's long term effects ight be). The results didn't make sense. In one person it seemed to imrove memory, while with another person the effects seemed to be the opposite. The outcome was totally different for each person and the only pattern was, the dramatic width in the variation of the outcome. I think with DMT this will most likely be the same.
So Ayahausca voyage would most likely last longer, be a bit happeir, less scary maybe at the very least and I am assuming not as powerful as smoking pure DMT right?

And as far as the changes its been 5 days and no change. I thought that every night of REM processing would eventually try to use the filters I have( the lense of beliefe by which we see reality) to take away and changes by dumbing me down to an adult again but all sleeping has doine as give me new beleiefs aboout what I saw. New theories about what each archetype or vision meant. Everyday my experiences are being help up to the DMT vision and being caompared both conciously and subconciously when I dream and I keep having some new insights. Nothing huge, just new little "What if" 's. So far the voyage , while having a few really terrorizing moments at teh end has been overall beneficial. I look forward to my next. Now I just gotta find the spice.lol. Im watching the old "Dune" right now. I never saw the 1984 version, just the sci-fi channel ones.
How strong aya is, depends on the specific mixture you would use. It has become my favorite way of taking DMT. Initially i had problems with the fact that in the beginning you often have to puke, but this doesn't necessarily have to be so. When your brew is strong enough, it will be as powerfull as smoked DMT and you will even have a headrush, although not as sudden as with vaporized DMT. The vine definately adds something to the experience. There are different types of vine amd some have better effects then the others. I'm not an expert in all the types of vine, though. But it's contribution is very valuable. I find ayahuasca simply heavenly.
Noetic said:
So Ayahausca voyage would most likely last longer, be a bit happeir, less scary maybe at the very least and I am assuming not as powerful as smoking pure DMT right?

Yes and no.

It does last longer, from 45 minutes to 6 hours (sometimes more if Rue is used instead of Caapi vine). Less scary, not always. Things are slower, and very different. Snakes and large jungle cats are very common when using "Traditional Ayahuasca". Entities are very frequently encountered. A minute can feel like hours...sometimes there is pure ecstacy and other times pure terror. Aya is unpredictable, sometimes even more so than vaporized DMT. It's not quite as intense, but can be just as powerful. Aya is almost always very healing (in my experience). DMT is more of a viewing than a healing session.

If you are interested I highly suggest reading quite a few reports of people who have taken Aya.
polytrip said:
while many people from south america i've met, claim that mimosa is something of wich the traditional use goes back a long time.

yes, but mimosa and ayahuasca are from quite far away areas.. Ayahuasca is from the amazon basin, a tropical rainforest, while mimosa is from the northeast of Dreamland, a dry, semi arid region.

mimosa does have very ancient use but it was never traditionally used with a MAOI, rather it was consumed by itself in a cold water infusion called ' vinho da jurema' by natives of that area. The use of mimosa with MAOi came much later with the popularization of entheogens and western culture appropriation of them
If you watch the Jonathon Ott World Psychedelic forum talk on Youtube he makes some very interesting speculations on the etymological links between Jurema, Ayahuasca etc. across the region. Bad sound though, so you'll have to listen real hard. Some great stuff in their though.
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