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Dear Members need assistance differentiating Chalipong from Chacruna

Migrated topic.
dmtlearner said:
Dear All
I have bought powdered caapi(60 gram ), Chaliponga(30 Gram ) and Chacruna ( 30 gram ) from eBay.
Now I received the package but there was no mention of which one was Chaliponga and which one is Chacruna.

No discussion on selling, buying, sourcing, acquiring, pricing, trading, receiving, distributing, mentioning pending deliveries or smuggling of drugs
This includes all isolated psychedelic compounds and RCs (Research Chemicals), whether they are legal or not. The only goods allowed to be discussed are legal live plants, legal viable seeds (both in the Sustainable plant and seed suppliers subforum) and legal/unwatched chemical supplies.

Please inform yourself about the attitude and politics of posting on the dmt nexus forum. Before starting a post on the forum, there are clear recommendations about this which obviously you have ignored. Why are people doing this I wonder?

"Dear member, please remember: No discussion is allowed about selling drugs, buying drugs, procuring drugs, prices of drugs, trading drugs and trafficking of drugs. This includes all isolated psychedelic compounds and RCs (Research Chemicals), whether they are legal or not.

Also think about the following: Watch your language - Communication is comprised of not only the explicit but also the implicit messages, which are transmited through choice of words and general tone of speech. We do not want curse words and immature slangs in the nexus! Please use language in a dignified manner."

Why would you think that ignoring the nexus' way would get you any answer or information in return?

No offence btw, but things do not work like that. :thumb_dow
Apologies for posting message like this, I did have a quick feeling that perhaps I was writing it wrong but then thought I am not giving specific address, so should be ok. I now understand the rule better.
Once again sorry for this.
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