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Death and DMT

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I have had numerous NDE's on DMT; this is what I've concluded.

After merging with the ineffable Godhead, you are greeted by those who were closest to you during your life so as to calm you during the transition.

Next you experience your entire life all over again as one fully interactive moment complete with teachings based upon each experience. Highly emotional moments are given the most attention, while relationships and subsequent morality are "judged" by your Self which may manifest as another being; Jesus, Buddha, etc. depending upon your cultural programming.

"You" realize that your entire life was merely an illusion that you created for yourself.

We are all God; the One eternal moment which is the universe, which recurs eternally as eternity.

This experience of death is "felt" to be the longest and most important moment of your life, because it occupies the same temporal position as the entire universe and subsequently, your life. (There is no such thing as time; a flowing time and progressive present moment are the products of our subjective perceptions and underlying neurobiology)

The feeling of eternity is felt as an overwhelming warmth which lasts seemingly "forever".

Once the painful beauty of all this is "understood", the will to forget is reached; in order to experience it all over again, anew.

Once this occurs, the bright white light again greets you and you come out the womb, again. You forget everything, but you CHOOSE to. And since we are all God which is eternity, we actually have no choice.

We live the same life all over again in complete ignorance.

That is the beauty of Life.
Darkbb said:
Good theory.

If there is no such thing as time what is the difference between This
and Now?

Absolutely nothing actually.

On a Finite Universe with no Beginning or End

Peter Lynds

"Peter Lynds has proposed a model in which time is cyclic, and the universe repeats exactly an infinite number of times. Because it is the exact same cycle that repeats, however, it can also be interpreted as happening just once in relation to time."

"If the universe were positively spatially curved and destined for a big crunch, this naturally posed the question of what might happen next. There seemed to be two general options: either the universe would contract to a singularity, a point of infinite density and geometric space-time curvature, and everything would cease to be; or alternatively, it might bounce back with a great explosion. This big bounce would be much like, or possibly exactly the same as, the big bang before it. If the latter, and the universe had exactly the same configuration as the previous big bang, not only would the explosion be exactly the same, but so too would the entire evolution of the universe following it." Peter Lynds, 'On a Finite Universe with no Beginning or End'

"To those familiar with Albert Einstein’s two theories, Special and General Relativity, the absence of a present moment or now underlying a dynamical physical process will also not come as a great surprise. Einstein has shown us that there is not a universal now in time holding sway throughout the entire universe. Judgments of simultaneity or of a now do not always necessarily agree, but instead are relative: relative to ones state of motion and spatial proximity in relation to gravity. Furthermore, relativity’s mathematical formalisation has seen the introduction of a block universe in which events do not take place as such, as we subjectively seem to perceive them, but are all mapped out together in a four dimensional space-time in which nothing particularly happens at all. Events are just there, mixed together, sharing equal temporal status, having neither happened in the past, nor happening at present, or about to happen in the future (for a more detailed discussion, see for example, Davies, 1995). In addition to this, recall that it is precisely due to there not being a precise static instant or present moment in time underlying a dynamical physical process, that motion, physical continuity and time (relative interval) are indeed possible in the first instance (Lynds, 2003). The message is clear, if somewhat counter-intuitive: a flowing time and progressive present moment are the products of our subjective perceptions and underlying neurobiology, without actual physical foundation in nature.”

"There exists, therefore, for the individual, an I-time, or subjective time. This in itself is not measurable."-- Albert Einstein.

Peter Lynds, 'Subjective Perception of Time and a Progressive Present Moment: The Neurobiological Key to Unlocking Consciousness'
^^^^^^^^^^ haha, yup, took the words right out of my mouth. And there I was thinking I'd have to explain it, great link.

Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.
-Ford Prefect
A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Darkbb said:
Good theory.

If there is no such thing as time what is the difference between This
and Now?

Well....it's which slice, or "page" of the dimension of "time", (as a single, whole object, from beginning to end) you are experiencing at this particular moment in your consciousness.

I don't really lean much towards the story's in Eschaton's book, but if you can conceive of time as the fourth dimension, like a long winding snake, from the beginning of the universe - to the end of the very last star blinking out of existence.
Now slice "pages", or "cards" into that snake, these slices are our 3-dimensional perception of individual moments in time as a whole.
Think of time as a gigantic flip-book, as the moments of existence pass by, your consciousness jumps to perceiving the next page of the flip-book & time is set in motion.

Here is a cool video that explains this concept a bit better than I can.
Plus the guy uses video-feedback to kind of show an example of the "time-snake" and the "pages of the flip-book" concept, allowing you to watch more than one page go by & then continue to exist even though we are not perceiving it anymore as...NOW...in the 3rd dimension.

This video is one in a series of them about multi-dimensional theory.
It is one way (of many) to explain how we in the 3rd dimension can barely conceive of a 4th dimension (time as a whole, not broken into moments), because it is the "shell" that shapes & creates our 3rd dimension!
Same exact way our 3rd dimension shapes & effects the 2nd dimension & a conscious 2-D being would have no concept of there even being a 3rd dimension, as it is the "shell" that shapes & contains his 2-D world. So he would have to somehow step outside of his 2-dimensions to experience & actually understand that 3-dimensions are even possible.
Although, he could think about more dimensions existing & prove it by testing how the 2-dimensions of his world are effected by an unexplainable 3rd!!

Here is a link to video number 1-of-2, called Imagining the Tenth Dimension.
Pretty cool stuff!!

Eschaton said:
I have had numerous NDE's on DMT; this is what I've concluded.

After merging with the ineffable Godhead, you are greeted by those who were closest to you during your life so as to calm you during the transition.

Next you experience your entire life all over again as one fully interactive moment complete with teachings based upon each experience. Highly emotional moments are given the most attention, while relationships and subsequent morality are "judged" by your Self which may manifest as another being; Jesus, Buddha, etc. depending upon your cultural programming.

"You" realize that your entire life was merely an illusion that you created for yourself.

We are all God; the One eternal moment which is the universe, which recurs eternally as eternity.

This experience of death is "felt" to be the longest and most important moment of your life, because it occupies the same temporal position as the entire universe and subsequently, your life. (There is no such thing as time; a flowing time and progressive present moment are the products of our subjective perceptions and underlying neurobiology)

The feeling of eternity is felt as an overwhelming warmth which lasts seemingly "forever".

Once the painful beauty of all this is "understood", the will to forget is reached; in order to experience it all over again, anew.

Once this occurs, the bright white light again greets you and you come out the womb, again. You forget everything, but you CHOOSE to. And since we are all God which is eternity, we actually have no choice.

We live the same life all over again in complete ignorance.

That is the beauty of Life.

Beautiful post and as well thread, thank You, dearest Eschaton!
I feel it the similar way.
When i was a child i had a near death experience, and recently i had a simmilar experience with a combination of ayahyasca and shrooms.
Many of what's said here sounds very familiar.

I have come to believe that DMT and psychedelic experiences induced by other substances do indeed set the spirit free and can give a glimpse of the afterlife.

But i also believe that it is not the afterlife itself that we experience. Not on psychedelics, and not while having an actual near death experience.
I think that the real afterlife is in a sense like a black hole, in that it has an event horizon, beyond wich we cannot see. Once you've realy passed that horizon, you are there and you cannot return.

I think that NDE's and psychedelic experiences set your spirit free and can bring you close to that place. You can actually be on that horizon, litterally standing at the gates of heaven, and come back.

I believe that the distance towards 'the source' is difference with each NDE and each psychedelic journey, but the closer you come, the more it becomes a universal experience.

On my first NDE, when i was 6 years old, i indeed saw my life passing by. I was guided by an entity of wich i do not realy remember it's nature. It showed me my life thus far: my parents, my sister, friends, my neighborhood, etc. It also showed me, that i had 'chosen' this life.

My latest psychedelic journey brought me to a place where space and time had become one. I think it wasn't as close to the source as the first time.

I was taken to a place that EXACTLY fits the discription of the second post here, regarding peter lynds theory: Time and space where one. There was no simultaneousness or location; measurement of space and time would have been impossible at this place. Instead spacetime/timespace was like a wave. Different places could exist at different moments and different moments could exist at different places. What connected everything was this vibration. The 'time lapse' between points in space determined the frequency of this wave that's spacetime and thus the frequency of the distance. So everything was merged in this vibration and everything could be derived from it as well.
It was a complex and very harmonic vibration that existed of many subharmonies (smaller distances, shorter moments) like a musical tone exists out of many upper harmonic tones, ussually octaves and fifths and fourths.

I am very glad i had this experience. It also brought back much of my first NDE, that in the years i had almost forgotten.
Dreams are also the result of a state of mind that is not restricted by the physical body.

As well NDE's, dreams and psychedelic experiences seem to actually partly disconnect the soul from the body.
When i take psychedelics and start meditating or realy giving in to the flow, at a certain point i notice that my body starts to shake or do things, as if it wants my attention.
As if it is 'afraid' to be forgotten.

I think that this other dimension we migrate to is actually everywhere around us and could be 'thought' in normal 3D space.

I also think that the entities are guides in this space. They guide us in case we would get lost in hyperspace.
polytrip said:
When i take psychedelics and start meditating or realy giving in to the flow, at a certain point i notice that my body starts to shake or do things, as if it wants my attention.
As if it is 'afraid' to be forgotten.

Do you know how to tune a guitar using two of the strings, playing the same note?
If one of the strings is very sharp, or flat, you can distinctly hear two separate notes.
But as you turn the tuning peg & the strings become closer in tune with each other, there is a point where they begin to warble, with a kind of "wha wha wha wha", that slows down as you reach the point where the two strings are playing the exact same note (aka, frequency) & are perfectly in tune with each other. At this point, you only hear 1 note being played, even though in truth, there are 2 notes, one being played by each string, just perfectly "in tune" with each other.

When practicing to self-induce out of body experiences & certain types of meditation, your learn to quiet your thoughts down to a tiny sliver of consciousness, but to remain conscious & awake.
This is what breathing exercises & mantras are for, they give you something to concentrate on & help to keep your mind from drifting.
There is a point where your physical body falls asleep, but your consciousness is still aware & your begin to feel a vibrating. It starts small & quickly grows strong, to a point where you feel the two frequency vibrations "go out of tune" with each other & split into two separate, distinct frequency vibrations (or notes).
1 = the physical body
2 = the consciousness

Normally these two are vibrating at the same frequency, & appear as only one "note", but if we start to change the frequency of one of them, they begin to beat against each other until they reach a point where they are two separate frequency's completely.
(In the physics of sound waves, this is called phase-shifting & is partially responsible for the "harsh-sound" that early digital recordings are known for.)

The hard part is to keep your mind silenced long enough to allow this process to happen all the way.
If you can keep your mind small & quiet enough, you can "trick" your body into thinking it is time to fall asleep.
This allows your waking consciousness to "slip under that door" to the unconscious. Getting out of your physical body & opening your mind back up to 100% of it's potential, because it is now no longer restricted by the physical body frequency's bottle-neck limitation's.

I practiced this for a long time, but every time I would start to feel the vibrations coming on, I would get all excited & begin thinking too much.
..."here it comes, here it comes, don't pay attention, oh shit I'm paying attention, there it goes" :cry:...
I would pretty much ruin the separation every time by not keeping my mind quiet & small enough to allow the vibrations to separate without waking up my body & stopping the process.

I notice these same vibrations throughout the DMT breakthrough process!!
That loud rising tone some people speak about, is the exact same frequency vibration's, rising to the point of separating into two separate parts. With DMT, some people are somehow able to "hear & see" this transitioning as well as feel it.

WSaged said:
I notice these same vibrations throughout the DMT breakthrough process!!
That loud rising tone some people speak about, is the exact same frequency vibration's, rising to the point of separating into two separate parts. With DMT, some people are somehow able to "hear & see" this transitioning as well as feel it.


Wsaged I love the way in which you explain this process, that sound is an intense trilling almost like humming bird sound for me or almost like bees humming in combination with this really high trilling of a bird. It absolutely fascinates me this specific phenomenon and i hope to research it far more in the future.

Much Peace and Happiness
Aegle said:
Wsaged I love the why in which you explain this process, that sound is an intense trilling almost like humming bird sound for me or almost like bees humming in combination with this really high trilling of a bird. It absolutely fascinates me this specific phenomenon and i hope to research it far more in the future.
Much Peace and Happiness

I wish I could hear that effect!! for some reason, I have only heard the rising tone thing once...towards the beginning of my relationship with DMT.
In fact, most of the time I really don't get much the actual..."breaking through"...like I used to, maybe I'm just calmer now.
I inhale my dose...lay back & close my eyes...BOOM...I'm "there"!!!
No mandalas, no transition of any kind. I do still come back slowly though.

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