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defatting question

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Swim is just about to start another extraction. He's using a basic A/B extraction (marsofold) w/ 1 lb of MHRB.

He alway's is pretty happy w/ his results, although the first pull is the whitest (cleanest) the second pull gets a little greenish/yellow and even more so on the third pull.

He has never defatted becdause MHRB is not suppose to mbe a heavily,fatty bark....but he wants to do one defat,just to see if it can help getting a cleaner product, on the second and third pulls.

His question is.... To defat, using this tek would essentially just be doing one naptha pull before he does the basification,agitate as normal and wait untill the two layers seperate then pull all the naptha out, not leaving a thin layer of naptha like he usually does when he pulls the naptha w/ dmt in order to avoid pulling up the bark solution, is that correct?

Should he let the naptha sit for an hr or so or just wait untill the two layeres or seperate? (he'll use a hotbath)

Also....does it really matter haow much naptha he uses to do the one defat? He was just going to fill the container with naptha untill it's about an inch below the top of the container (he's using a gallon pickle jar).
It sounds like you've pretty much got it. I'd filter the solution more thoroughly than Mars suggests to make separation easier and use a small amount of naptha at first and evaporate it to see if anything came out before going to more trouble. A lot of defatting advocates suggest using turpentine for the first pull followed by naptha.
Let us know how it goes.
I think recrystalization is easier and more interesting than defatting, but it will be interesting to see how your friend comes out.
I think it makes the results of recrystalization even more spectacular!

I will sometimes defat if I am looking to make nice looking xtals, but for normal smoking a wash and recrystalization is more than enough.
Noman said:
A lot of defatting advocates suggest using turpentine for the first pull followed by naptha.
Let us know how it goes.
I think recrystalization is easier and more interesting than defatting, but it will be interesting to see how your friend comes out.

I didnt realize that you could defat w/ turpentine but i guess it makes sense.

why would you use turpentine for the first pull followed by Naptha?

Swim was just gonna do one defat but if it doesnt take too much longer,mabey he'll do two (he does have turpentine in the house).

Normally he doesnt do defatts nor re-x but and has had very good results but i recently saw some very pretty pictures which inspired swim to take a couple extra steps.

Turpentine first,eh?
Mind you, my friend has never actually used turpentine, it has just been recommended to him by friends of the defat.
The theory seems to be that the oils move into the turpentine easier than naptha and then the naptha is used to remove any remaining turpentine.
I may get him to try it next time he works with chaliponga or cactus.
Being that swim has a plethera of naptha he'll probably just stick w/ that. I know some teks call for 3 defats,he'll probably just do one,mabey two.He really just wants to see if it makes a significant enough of a difference in the end result, to see if it's worth it in future extractions.

Noman said:
use a small amount of naptha at first and evaporate it to see if anything came out before going to more trouble.

Noman, i'm not exactly sure what you mean.Wont he just add naptha,agitate it and let it seperate? How can swim tell if anything (inpurities) is coming out?
swim did the defat and it wasnt hard to tell that it was definately pulling out,some fats,oils,lipids or whatever.... cuz as soon as the emulsion was starting to take place some black sut started to rise up and actually stuck to the side of the glass.
The bark is from a very reliable vendor that many of the swimmers use but swim didnt go for the pink/purple he diceded to give their mexican Mimosa Tenuiflora Root Bark a shot.

I kid you not black sut!!
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