D.Cooperi has had alot of attempts made on it with little result, both here and at the Nook. Fourthripley there got the furthest on his experiments, there are perhaps 4 or 5 other threads there on this. Here is a repost of his work for the sake of spreading valuable experiential data hidden from google spiders: (Note: this genus has great potential, but people need to look beyond d. Cooperi. Also accelerated succulent rearing techniques like semi-hydroponics used for orchids would make growth more rapid and bulk production more feasible).
Posted 23 November 2006 - 10:35 AM
The process.
330g of Delosperma foliage, harvested sept/oct, was dried to 10g and finely powdered.The powder was soaked in a weak slution of phosphoric acid over a period of about four weeks, with the acidc water changed once.The two portions were combined and filtered.
The solution was heated to boiling in an enamel pan and a generous amount of KOH 50% solution was added.Colour change was observed, along with the release of 'indole' smell, very pleasant.My crappy indicator strips measured a PH of at least 9.5, I added another 50ml of the KOH to be sure.
The basified solution was again brought up to boiling and then decanted into two jars.Approx 50ml per jar of Naptha(Swan extra refined lighter fuel) was added to each jar.They were inverted a few times and pressure released, then given a good violent shake.When layers settled, not unexpectedly, the solvent layer contained a large amount of white, soapy looking junk.The solvent layer was siphoned off and saved.
I reheated the basic solution and added more KOH, decanted to jars, yadda yadda yadda...Solvent layer was much cleaner on this pull.Repeated a third time and combined solvents.
I prepared a- way over the top, I think- solution of phosphoric acid.This was added to the solvent and the jar violently shaken, solvent siphoned off.Repeated three times and combined the acid solutions.These were heated to boiling in an enamel pan.This was my most important lesson: DO NOT, as I learnt, add KOH to a very hot, acidic solution AND WEAR PROTECTIVE CLOTHING: I had had chem goggles, heavy duty gloves and long thick sleeves.On adding the KOH it seemed to literally jump out of the pan, spattering everywhere, very violent, with a fearful amount of noise

.Unprotected I could have been fucked.I let the solution cool and managed to rebasify by dilluting some KOH and adding slowly until the violence of the reaction subsided.AS a resut of over acidifying I had to use rather an excess of the expensive KOH, which was a bummer.I was very pleased with myself to have protected my eyes and skin effectively.Again I checked PH and added more base.
The hot basic solution was poured into jars as before and solvent extracted.Two pulls, ran out of time, solution waiting third.The solution was reheated before second pull.
The combined solvent was placed in a jar in the freezer.After a few hours, white and off-white material had precipitated to the bottom of the jar.Also some sediment from the basified solution had got caught up in there.
The solvent was heated up with a hot water bath and stirred until most material had dissolved.This was filtered, with the solvent kept at a high temperature.Some brown, insoluble material was filtered out.When cooled to room temperature the jar of solvent was again placed in the freezer.Left for a few hours and then the solvent was poured off into another jar, leaving an off-white solid in the bottom of the jar.The poured off solvent was placed in the freezer to see if any more would fall out: none did.The jar containing the off-white solid was left to dry at room temperature.To facilitate drying I smashed the sides of the jar,and left the base with the material to dry near my boiler.After approx a week the off-white solid had dried to an odourless wet looking, crystalline state.No solvent smell at all.
I placed the sample in a homemade lightbulb pipe and heated.Experienced stimlation, pronounced nystagmus, sexual stimulation.Very pleasant, clear headed stoned feeling.The phone went and I was able to handle the call competently, although my mind was a complete blank.Lame report, but very difficlt to describe.Very pleasant, I guessing the actives to be predominantly 5-meo.Went upstairs to clean pipe, a lovely triptamine smell from it.I inhaled and inhaled the the odour residues from the pipe, I guess my vaporising technique leaves a lot to be desired.With every inhalation the experience built a little, enjoyable but somewhat frustrating.I had full on tryptamine lust.I took the small portion I hadn't vaporised and rashly snorted it.Burning pain that happily translated into the material kicking in with pain vanishing, not unlike snuffing Yopo.This extended the experience in a similar vein, perhaps with enhanced physicallity.It was a good morning :wub: and I consider the experiment a success.
In conclussion, I consider Delosperma Cooperii worth pursuing as a source of active tryptamines.The rub is getting enough raw starting material.330g to 10g dry converts to something like over 30kg wet to aquire 1kg dry.That's a lot of succulent.On the plus side, this stuff grows very easily and cuttings are an absolute doddle to root, broken stems stuck into cold dirt are soon baby plants.Legal, easily grown and attractive.
Posted 17 August 2008 - 09:35 PM
I've played with these a bit. Aya type experiments with fresh foliage produced threshold results, although this is unwise due to the high oxalic acid component of the plants. I have a/b'd twice; there is a report of an extraction of mine tucked away in the lab (embarrasingly gushy :wacked: ) that gave me high hopes, but sadly a repeat experiment with a much greater amount of plant material produced scarcely anything, save confirming to me that desirable alks are indeed present; nice spicey smell but barely visible to the naked eye. For a meaningful extraction you are looking at a lot of plant material. I've never seen any published % for this plant. I have a feeling there must be enviromental, age, harvest time, feeding regime etc. factors at work; although what they may be I don't know...
Regards getting clean material to work with, these must be some of the easiest plants to propagate from cuttings. Broken plant bits stuck in unprepared dirt will root reliably and grow fast