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Desmanthus Illinoensis sprouts are yummy

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
It has been rainy as heck here, just moved the cacti to a dry place and went to snatch up some of the seed from my Desmanthus pods that were like rattles the other day and some of them were sprouting right in the pods :shock: I had a large package of commercial seed i used to start a nice patch of these guys. They grow a lot around railroad tracks and near the river but I stay away because they spray these areas. Yuck.

I decided to eat the ones like this and they were pretty tasty. If I get enough seed i may set some aside for sprouting to add to salads :thumb_up:


  • Desmanthus-sprouts.png
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Woh! Crazy looking seed pod! I haven't seen that before. Can you describe the flavor?

The bundleflowers are in various stages of flowering and seeding out in my area too (zone 5 North America).

I came across a large, mature patch a few weeks ago and harvested a couple grocery sacks of root. Maybe I'll see you over in the desmanthus workspace soon:thumb_up:

[edit: Did you eat the seed hulls as well? Those things slice up my calloused hands while harvesting; I can't imagine them in my mouth.]
If you haven't done so already, separate the root bark and shred it while your batch is still fresh. The roots dry out hard as rocks and the rootbark becomes impossible to separate from the cortex making it disproportionately more difficult to process for extraction.
pinkoyd said:
If you haven't done so already, separate the root bark and shred it while your batch is still fresh. The roots dry out hard as rocks and the rootbark becomes impossible to separate from the cortex making it disproportionately more difficult to process for extraction.

Thanks pinkoid, that's great advice! I think I discovered that the hard way, a couple years ago (I mentioned it in the desmanthus work space thread) and ruined a large volume of bark. I didn't have time to process my roots (and was familiar with the root/cortex fusion problem) so left them to soak in a bucket of water which became rancid (the roots are a bit fatty?) and then, absentmindedly exchanged the water with an addition of vinegar, a few times, until I had time for an extraction :surprised (yes, you may call me dumbass, henceforth)....aaaand dumped the vinegar and water soak, down the basement sewer.

Yes, I processed the current harvest immediately, with a hammer, then garden pruners, then to the blender:thumb_up:
roninsina said:
Maybe I'll see you over in the desmanthus workspace soon:thumb_up:

[edit: Did you eat the seed hulls as well? Those things slice up my calloused hands while harvesting; I can't imagine them in my mouth.]
I tossed the pods. There were a lot like this.
roninsina said:
Maybe I'll see you over in the desmanthus workspace soon:thumb_up:

[edit: Did you eat the seed hulls as well? Those things slice up my calloused hands while harvesting; I can't imagine them in my mouth.]
I tossed the pods. There were a lot like this.
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