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Did I make an oopsie?

Migrated topic.

Parshvik Chintan

Rising Star
I apologize for spamming the board with threads but I have another question that doesn’t feel right to post in my previous thread.

Essentially I was reducing some dmt-acetate containing water on a pan over a stove. My goal was merely to reduce the volume of liquid, but life provided a distraction and I returned to my pan to discover nearly all of the liquid (which is to say, most of the pan was dry, save a couple drops of water) had been evaporated. I killed the heat and set it aside to cool down; upon cooking the liquid had fully evaporated and I was left with a residue in the pan that I scraped up with a razor blade.

Pictured is the resultant residue. My question is, did I make an oopsie-poopsie fudgy-wudgy? Is this degraded into oxide or similar? Or did I luck out completely and fortuitously fall headlong into making myself some perfectly fine freebase?

Shouldn't it simply be DMT acetate. I thought DMT acetate was an oil, but maybe it is currently anhydrous if the pot was hot enough during final evap (?). It may absorb water over time and become an oil. I don't know but you can try to dissolve it in naptha and see if it behaves like free base or a salt.

I don't think anything oxidized.
Loveall said:
Shouldn't it simply be DMT acetate. I thought DMT acetate was an oil, but maybe it is currently anhydrous if the pot was hot enough during final evap (?). It may absorb water over time and become an oil. I don't know but you can try to dissolve it in naptha and see if it behaves like free base or a salt.

I don't think anything oxidized.
The pan was quite hot, so I assumed that was enough to sunder the acetate salt and leave it freebase, plus when I went to wash the pan, the residue wasn’t water soluble. I was worried the heat was too much and would cause some measure of degradation. Q21Q21 mentioned in his tek that the acetate wasn’t “stable” outside of solution and was sensitive to heat, so I had feared the worst

For now my fear is assuaged. Thanks for the reply
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