In the gita, chapter 11, arjuna meets with Krishna before a great battle, and Krishna basically puts arjuna through a DMT flash...
Look at verse 8, arjuna is told he must have "divine eyes" before he can see Krishna...
How does one obtain divine eyes? In my opinion through entheogens.
The translation I posted was not my favorite, but if you read the entire chapter, it becomes clear that they are mentioning an Entheogenic state...
There's much speculation, and much is still murky, but I'm convinced psilocybe fungi, cannabis, and ayahuasca analogues were key in the formation of many aspects of Hindu faith...
I also feel entheogens can induce genuine mystical and spiritual states, so when others say "did I experience something religious or spiritual?" My answer is always yes. In fact, I think you experienced spirituality in its most pure state, which is first hand experience.
Misc . Regarding entheogens in eastern faiths